Chapter 1: Our Journey Has Just Begun

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Star light star bright, the stars must be born for a reason right? In the depths of the cosmic void, a swirling cloud of stardust joins to form a brilliant star illuminating the night, but upon this little star's wake comes the sudden realization of its solitary fate. At first.. The star thought its birth was a mere coincidence. The other stars whispered to it, called it Stardust Cookie, Born from the coalesced light of thousands of nameless stars and the very breath of the cosmos. Ah.. I remember now.. My creators.. What a cruel fate to spend an eternity without a place to call home, there must be more to the story, this can't be our purpose.. Perhaps, they have the answer. It is time to return to our birthplace! So this.. This is the City of Wizards, they have forsaken their city as well.. So many years spent waiting, so many questions unanswered.. The only way to move forward.. is to sever the chains of the past! *explodes the city*

All that is left is sorrow.. Engulfed by the darkness of the endless void, is this where my journey ends?

*a familiar star shines brighter than the night sky*

Huh, this bright light... Is this my true origin.. I was meant for boundless possibilities... beyond imagination, after all this time, I was not alone.. How could I forget all the countless stars before me? With newfound connection, the little star reached out a hand and together with the moon, a wave of hope washed over the land, for the galaxy is its canvas, limitless and vast, my journey has just begun..

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