1 - The First Date (They Meet.)

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A/N: Hello! I have started a new book because recently I have been very much into reading and a specific book (Ryan & Avery; By David Levithan) has particularly sparked my inspiration and creativity. So, this book will have similar aspects to that book but I will not copy the entirety of it because of obvious reasons. Also! Big big fat news, Thanksgiving break is next week for me, so I will be posting a little bit that week, so heads up for that! Also, the entirety of this book will be in Third Person. Sorry if this bothers anyone but I just feel like I would like to get back into the rhythm of writing in Third Person because being able to write in multiple POVs is kinda important to me.

William steps into the prom, wearing a full black suit. It basically was a black turtleneck with a black suit jacket, black dress pants and polished black dress shoes. But, there is little splatters of pink, purple and blue over his suit jacket (and the obvious flag on his cheek), basically screaming to the world 'HEY, IM BISEXUAL!!!', very much signaling his bisexuality.

He looks around, drowning in the bright lights of bright pinks and darker purples and blues, the people dancing and laughing and talking, drowning in the loud music and the bright rainbow flags that are literally everywhere.

He feels overwhelmed and his sensory issues start attacking him, but he shakes it off after a minute and begins looking around, looking for his group of friends. He finds his friends by the drink table. Ezra, Sierra, Sage, River and Iris. He smiles as he sees them, and they all greet him with warm smiles and high-fives.

"How was the drive? I heard its beginning to snow out there." Iris asks loudly over the music. "It was good, not as bad as expected!" William responds, grinning. "Come on, let's get drinks." Ezra chimes in, going down the drink table; to which everyone follows suit. Everyone picks up a variety of drinks, but William gets fruit punch. As he sips it, he realizes it's been spiked. Since he's already had alcohol before, he doesn't care and continues drinking the fruit punch.

Iris, on the other hand, picks it up, but as the drink touches her lip, she spits it out. "Gross! Someone spiked the fruit punch!" She exclaims, shaking her head in annoyance.

"It is? Spiked? I mean... not too unexpected, is it, though?" Sierra replies, drinking her cup of pink lemonade. "It's not too bad." Sage yips. William looks up at Sage, admiring his sage green hair. How ironic. Sage green hair for a boy named Sage, William thinks. William runs his fingers through his fluffy, soft, dark purple hair.

William's shade of hair color was so dark that from afar, you'd mistake it for a black or a really dark blue, but closer up you could tell it was just a dark purple.

William closes his eyes, tuning out of his friend's conversation and taking in the sounds of the prom. He doesn't realize that his friends have walked away. He stands there as time loosens on it's spool, and the minutes seem to stretch along.

That is, until, a boy bumps into William. William's dull green eyes snap open and he looks around. He sees a brunette boy, about a head shorter than him and with the most adorable blue eyes it almost made his knees buckle. What the fuck, William's first initial thought.

"Oh my god, sorry, I wasn't paying attention at all—" The boy starts, but William puts his hand up as signal to stop.

"It's alright, love." William's slight British accent comes into play. William studies the boy more, looking at the black long sleeved shirt he had on, and the plaid black-and-white short skirt he wore to match. He also had a little rainbow flag painted on the back of his hand and on his cheek. He also was wearing a red lipgloss.

The boy looked gorgeous.

"You look alluring," William says quietly. The boy laughs and nods in appreciation. "Thank you! Sorry, I didn't catch your name?" The boy inquired.

"William." He puts his hand out to shake.

"Finley," Finley replies, shaking William's hand gently.

Finley? William thinks. "A cute name for a cute boy," William says smoothly. He's always been the type to be smooth and flirt(though usually as a joke or playfully), but on the inside, he felt like he was going to implode. His thoughts were swirling round and round like cake batter and his stomach felt like it was rearranging it's own organs.

Finley giggles and blushes a little. "Thanks," He looks around. "So, what are you doing here, William?" Finley yips, searching for a conversation. "Well, my friends saw a post on Instagram— dragged me along, too." "Huh. Yeah, I saw a post on Instagram too, and it was also in a lot of conversations in this club i'm in at school."

"Oh? How old are you?" William asks, casually.

"15, my sophomore year." Finley replies.

"16, sophomore." William follows.

Finley's eyes light up adorably. "Really? I thought you'd be in your junior or senior year of highschool!" Finley exclaims. Finley's cheeks also flush a bit, partially because of the the cold and also because of how handsome William was. William's sharp jawline, tall height and handsome dull green eyes were so enticing to Finley.

"Ah, yes, most think im much older than I am," William says, chuckling. "So, you said you were in a club?" He follows. "Oh, yeah! It's like this kinda gay club or whatever— 'The Rainbow Allegiance' or something stupid like that." Finley says, sipping his pink lemonade. "I like it. 'The Rainbow Allegiance'. It's got a ring to it." William replies, letting the club name roll off his tongue.

"I guess," Finley replies. "Are you in any clubs?" "No, they don't really catch my interest. I do play sports though. Track and Basketball." "That's cool! I've never really done sports, I was never one for athleticism." Finley says, a little embarrassed about his lack of athleticness.

"Its not for everyone," William reassures. "Yeah, of course. But, recently I have been looking into joining the cheerleading team or whatever," Finley informs, looking up at William with such an adorable look that it nearly makes William blush.

"Cheerleading, huh? You'd do great as a cheerleader, Finley." William encourages, flashing a charming smile. Just as William was going to ask something else, Sage grabs his arm. "Hey man, what're you doi—" Sage starts, but cuts himself off when he sees Finley.

"Ohh, trying to get a boyfriend, I see." Sage says, smirking michievously. "Shut up, Sage!" William exclaims, shoving him away. Finley giggles. "Come on, Will, we're playing beer pong." Sage ushers.

William looks at Finley, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry— I've gotta go—" "No problem, it was a pleasure meeting you." Finley says politely, smiling sweetly. "Could I get your number?" William asks.

Finley is taken aback by William's forwardness, but is also attracted to it. "Of course." Finley gives William his number before they part ways.

They're both left with a tingly feeling in their stomachs, fluttering and spreading over their body. They're left with a smile plastered on their face and anticipation for their next interaction.

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