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Third person pov

"Only one spoon, please" Joseph said, he is feeding his pregnant wife who is shaking her head in denial.

"No Jose, please I can't anymore. I'm already full" melliva whined, shaking her head.

"Only one, please one spoon baby" Joseph almost Begged.

"Only one, okay?" Melliva asked while pouting, Joseph quickly nodded with bright smile. Melliva parted her lips and Joseph fed her. He wiped her lips carefully like a dedicated husband.

" Jungkook's first birthday is coming, I'm thinking of buying something for him, evening let's go for shopping" Joseph said suddenly.

"Oh, Jose I almost forgot about it. Actually I have some plans for his gifts, so of course let's go" melliva said excitedly. Joseph smiled at her before kissing her forehead Lovingly.

On jungkook's birthday

The whole Jeon mansion is decorated elegantly. Just like the party again every businessman and woman are invited. A huge cake was placed in the centre of the mansion, Joseph and his family (*melliva and leora*) already arrived and now talking with some business peoples.

By that time jay and Clara walked down from stairs with baby jungkook in jay's arms gaining everyone's attention. The couple was really beautiful and lovely, one could ask for.

"Happy birthday my little alpha" Joseph said smiling once the couple reached the floor.

But our cute little jungkook's attention was on the huge cake placed infront of them. His huge doe eyes are sparking at the cake in curiosity. Everyone laughed at him.

"Okay, my baby is hungry, come on without wasting the time let's cut the cake" Joseph said.

"Wait Jose, one important guest is on the way" jay said, Joseph frowned in confusion as the most important guests were already there.

"Who is it jay?" He questioned, Jay smiled at him.

"My sister shre-ya" jay answered. Joseph's eyes widened in surprise.

"Ohh really, did she returned from America?" Joseph asked.

"Yes Jose, today she had returned from America for celebrating jungkook's birthday. She strictly ordered that before her arrival no one should cut the cake and she even said that she has to be the one who should feed Jungkook first." Jay said laughing, Joseph just hummed in response.

Meanwhile a huge white Lamborghini stopped in fornt of the Jeon mansion's entrance. The driver got out of the car and ran towards the passenger seat's door before opening it. A omega woman in her 20's (a/n: her current age is 24*) stepped out from the car, she stood there for a while, eyeing the mansion. The driver bowed 90°at her.

"Take the gifts and follow me" she said coldly to the driver before walking inside.

"She said, she is on the wa---

"Kookie Darling!!" Jay got cutt off by someone.

"There she is" jay said looking at shre-ya who came inside running towards them squealling. She lifted jungkook from Clara's arms and spined him around yearning a cute giggles from the baby. She kissed him for numerous times, I mean who won't, jungkook is really a cute baby.

"Can we cut the cake now" jay asked to shre-ya who is busy babying jungkook.

"Huh, yes jay" shre-ya said while pressing her cheeks and jungkook's cheeks together. She really loves jungkook so much, she thinks him as her own child.
Clara came forward to hold jungkook in her arms but stopped by shre-ya.

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