Enemies makes the best lovers

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꙳ First of all i want to apologize if there is any spelling misstakes, i tried checking as good as i could and english isen't my first language. Anyways enjoy this story, and please like and comment ☻ ꙳

Chapter 1

"Hey mate! Harry!" Harry was shaken awake by Ron, and between dream and the awakening he saw Ron trying to suppress a smile. " Why did you moan? .
"I-i had a nightmare" The minute that sentence left Harrys mouth he knew Ron wouldent belive him.
" Right nightmare, hurry up or else we will be late for breakfast" Harry could feel Ron looking at him with that im-gonna-find-out -your secret but when the two boys met up with Hermione Ron tried hiding it. Of course Ron and her started to argue about something but once they enterd the great hall Harry's eyes immediately went to a boy with blond hair and gray eyes.
Harry could feel the blush spreading and he wanted to get to Gryffindor table unnoticed. That didn't work.
" Hey Potter what's the rush, you're eager for the sausage?"
"Mind your buisness Malfoy" Ron spitted out, wanting Malfoy to get back to his plate. That also didn't happened . Instead Draco got up, getting face to face with Harry.
"Lost your tounge hey, or maybe you want that tounge of yours to be doing something else.."
Harry could feel his heart pound, sweat breaking out...he opened his mouth but closed it right after. "It's cruel of me to let a pretty boy like you wait like this..." Draco got closer to Harry, so close he could feel his colone. "The sausage is truly fantastic! But maybe you waiting on a special one.."
Harry's face was flustered at this point, he rushed out from the great hall, in the corner of this eye he could see Draco giving a subtle wink at him. Hermione pushed Ron to follow him before giving Draco a angry look.. Draco smirked, " What's the matter Granger pissed i'm spilling the truth about everyone's adorable golden boy? With that Draco turned around and joined his fellow Slytherins as they dug into the breakfast.

Meanwhile in the boys bathroom
" Malfoy....Draco Malfoy was the one you moaned about....for!" Ron was standing with crossed arms while Harry splashed cold water on his face. Harry gave Ron a helpless look and started to once again letting the cold water ease his hot, flustered face. Harry had to tell him everything, everything about the dream. Well not the really really dirty parts. Only the minor...dirty parts.
"Harry!" Harry calm down, if you continue to splash that much water you might as well take a shower. Wich we dont have time for, im sure we already late to Lupins class.

When the two boys stumbled in, Hermione stared at them with a you-guys-are-hopeless but Lupin gave them a kind smile when he saw how stressed the two looked.
" Today we will study the patronus charm, which some are already familiar with" Lupin gave Harry a wink and continued. "Gryffindors and Slytherins are going to work together this time.

Hermione got pared with Pansy and Ron with Blaise. And when Lupin said " Harry you will work with Draco", Harry sighed and looked over where Draco was sitting and instead of a rude comeback Draco gave Harry a wink. It happend so fast that Harry thought he had imagine everything and Harry was too shy to look in Dracos direction again.

" Because i dont want you all to fight over the books im sending half of the class to the library and half of the class will hear my lecture while taking notes. Lupin divided the class and Harry and Draco with some others were going to go study in they library. Draco went up and walk to Harry, did the git have to look so damn gorgeous. When he made room for Draco he accidentally dropped his own book, getting a look from the blond male. "Damn you are more clumsy than usual, and you're all hot...
Draco smirked when he saw how wide Harry's eyes had become. "In your face Potter, looks like you are  burning up.."
"Right.." Harry picked up his books and browsed to the patronus charm chapter.
" You've done the patronus charm before correct?" When Harry didn't answer him Draco raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a didn't you look.

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