13| 𝘔𝘺 𝘞𝘪𝘧𝘦

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Hurt , guilty and worthless ,this is what I am feeling right now.

Why do you care?” Her words are echoing in my ears. This hurts , even though I deserve this but still it hurts.

My emotions overpowered me.

The moment I saw blood oozing from her hand , i felt a pang. The pain i felt was similar to the pain i feel when I see my family being hurt.

Enough of being away from my reality, from her. It is been 1 month and i everyday message her. I didn't got any courage to call her. I was a coward and I am still a coward. I can roar in the courtroom with authority and firmness but in reality I can't fight against my demons.

I left her not because I am still struck in my past , I left her because I am scared. Yes , I am scared. I am scared what if she gets to know about my past? She will hate me.

How can I expect her to love my scars when I myself hate them. I feel disgusted whenever I remember my mistakes.

But it's not the time to regret, i already have many regrets in my life and i shall not include Rika in this. I will do everything to win her forgiveness.

She is my wife and she deserves to know everything about me except my past. No , I can never imagine myself recieving hate from her. Our family accepted me because they knew I was just overpowered by my never ending sympathy for her.

I quickly dialed my PA's number and asked him to get my private jet ready.

I immediately left the hotel. I was also here because of my important case. The case went well and that crimanal is behind the bars for her deeds.

The whole ride I was just finding ideas to gain her forgiveness. I ended up sighing because I don't know how to do something special. I never did this in my life.

At last i thought why not let me take the help of Google.

"How to ask forgiveness from our wife?"

Wait? She is only my wife. I back spaced what i wrote.

"How to ask forgiveness from MY WIFE?"

• "Bring her favourite flowers and admit your mistake with sincerity."

• "Mend your mistakes with a kiss. Express how guilty you are from your kiss."

I closed my phone with frustration. Seriously? Kiss her? She will throw me out of her life permanently if I do this.

I closed my eyes and massaged my temples. Suddenly i remembered how papa compensate his mistakes.

𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘵𝘩, 𝘔𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 |✓Where stories live. Discover now