❤️ 15 ❤️

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Third person pov

Just like that a month passed, everyone is happy. Joseph's business developed furthermore by winning many tenders and constructing new new buildings and so on. Now the parks are the top famous business individuals in the whole southern Asia. On other hand, Jeon family was also happy and their business is also running fine. After celebrating jungkook's birthday, within a week shre-ya went back to the America again. Jay and Joseph had not yet met each other in this whole month because of their busy schedule, so they planned to have a family dinner in one of the luxurious hotel that jay owns.

Finally the day has come.

In park mansion

Melliva already got ready and now getting her children ready. She is now dressing up the little Jimin as she already dressed leora up. When she was wearing Jimin's tiny shoes the door of their shared bedroom opened revealing Joseph who was looking so handsome in the Navy blue suit.

"Melli shall we go?" He asked.

"Huh yes Jose. We shall" melliva said picking jimin in her arms they made their towards downstairs and went outside.

Meanwhile with Jeon family

Jay and his family were already arrived and now waiting for his bestfriend's family.

The hotel was empty as per jay's order. He want to have some privacy.

(*Imagine it is night*)

"Hey jay" Joseph called, who came entered the hotel just now with his family.

"Hey Jose, come" jay said waving his hands.

"are you guys waiting for so long?" Joseph asked while settling down in the opposite chair to the Jeon family.

"Huh, not at all Jose, just now we too came" jay said. Joseph nodded and smiled softly at his best friend.

They talked about some random stuffs
And ordered their food.

Soon the foods arrived. They to eat while talking, laughing happily

By that time Joseph's got a call from unknown number. He excused himself and stood up his seat, slowly walking away while his attention is in the phone wondering who it might be.

Suddenly there came


A loud noise gaining the whole family's attention. Their eyes widened,

"JOSE!!!" Melliva shouted out of her lungs

Joseph slowly fell down, catching his chest area where the blood is oozing out like a hell, he is now drenched in the red liquid.

The whole family ran towards him in the speed of light. Still they couldn't process what just happened.

"J-jose!" Jay chocked a sob, with shivering hand he touched the red liquid and realised it is blood.

"Jose, " he patted Joseph"cheeks who had his eyes closed. Melliva was looking at them with wide eyes like statue, still didn't come out from the shock. Clara cupped her mouth and cried silently.

"JOSE" jay suddenly raised his voice, Joseph took a deep breath in and shot opened his eyes while coughing. Blood is coming out from his mouth too.

"J-jay" he muttered.

"Jose, Jose nothing will happen to you come lets go the hospital" jay cried.

"N-no i-i w-would'nt be a-alive,*hicup*. Pl-please l-leave f-from this p-place, o-otherwise *hicup* t-they w-will shoot y-you too" Joseph said in a low whispered voice feeling hard to breath

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