Introduction To characters

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ZAYN Javadd Malik - 25 yrs old, As the oldest he must have it all together right? Not even close, he still has his moments. When he gets mad stay out of his way(Spanker/spankee)

Liam James Payne - 25. Liam is what you call the glue of the family. He is rarely in trouble, so if he is spanked, he must have done something horrible. Liam is also Zayn's boyfriend  and the only one allowed to Spank Zayn. (Spanker/spankee)

Niall James Horan - 22. Loves the boys like they are his brothers. Sometimes, a troublemaker ends him up with a sore bottom. (Spanker/spankee)

Louis William Tomlinson -21. A huge prankster. Which ends up with him over Zayn and Liams laps. He is a good person but has his moments. He loves the boys (Harry the most). He will spank all the boys (everyone except Zayn he scared of him) (Spanker/Spankee)

Harry - 20. Louis partner in crime. Love Louis more than a brother, Always over a lap for something Louis has him do. Trusts Liam the most when comes to Spanking (Spanker/spankee)

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