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Hi, I'm Elipses aka the author of this oneshot book of Johnny Cage and I would love to get some suggestions from y'all 😭🙏 I'm having troubles coming up with ideas (I've got 3 chapters in the works so it's not horrible -) but I would love to know what my readers wanna see me attempt to write! It can literally be anything as long as it follows the heart system I have (displayed beautiful and neatly at the very bottom of this chapter ) 😭🙏

(Also yes, I'm just updating an old chapter because I don't want to be desperate and make a whole new chapter just to ask for suggestions. The rest of this message is the same as it was before 6/12)

Anyway, I want you guys to have a little chunk or so of my first oneshot so y'all can stumble upon this, maybe read it and decide if you might want to read the full version when it comes out! (which IS OUT NOWWWW!!) I'll stop talking now, here ya go! :>

While your friends did force you to get your hair cut and coloured, you did take it upon yourself to listen to some of their advice on your own terms. After getting a really short, shaggy bob-cut that framed your face perfectly and dying the tips of your hair red, you went out to go too a tattoo and piercing place.
You originally walked in there looking for another tattoo, not like the sleeve on your right leg, the big butterfly on your left thigh and the collarbone tattoo was enough, but when your artist heard you wanted "something different" he told you to get your nipples pierced instead.... and you did it. God, did they fucking hurt and god did you hate them but now that they're more than fully healed, you're actually proud to have them. You're just upset you can't show them off to people

With new hair and unique piercings, you felt good for a while. But the years add up, ya know? You can only do so much for so long and you're just tired of pretending you're okay, that you've moved on. You haven't kept up with your haircut for a while and it's grown out just to your shoulders and the red tips have been gone for a longgg time now.
Also after the makeover, you decided to jump back in to the dating "realm" sorta... At this stage in the timeline, you and Johnny split around 8 month prior so you just stuck to casual flings with somewhat close friends. After around 10 months of doing that, you tried getting into something serious again but that relationship crashed and burned 2 months in because he just refused to pay attention to YOU and only wanting your BODY... You also just couldn't get your heart away from him, away from Johnny

I know, I know... "You should just call him, why haven't you just called him if it's eating you up so badly?" That's the problem. It's eating you up so badly that you COULDN'T call him... You still somewhat can't and each year you "celebrate" an anniversary without him, is each year you feel yourself grow a little colder to the world.

[I wonder if he celebrates- no, he probably doesn't even remember our anniversary anymore... He probably hasn't thought of us together in months..]

You don't want to believe it. You refuse to believe it but you know it's the truth. You know that he doesn't care for you anymore, you know he doesn't even give a second of his thoughts to you, ever since you left.

[Maybe he still has the same phone number?]

That thought rings in your head on loop, it feels like an old DVD screensaver just bouncing against the inside of your mind

[I wonder if he still has the same phone number?...]

There's no way, there's no fucking way he has the same number after 5 years! Well- you have the same number after all this time but that's besides the point! Even if he does have the same number, he probably has you blocked- no! He DOES HAVE YOU BLOCKED!

[Call him.]

What? You're insane, you're not going to call him! You wouldn't call him- IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS YOU NEED TO LET HIM G-


... You hear the phone start to ring and your heart jumps up into your throat. You feel your knees grow weak, (arms are heavy, moms spaghet- sorry-) the sound reverberates in your mind

ALSO! Here are the coding systems to my chapters so y'all won't be confused if you're looking at future chapters to come and going "wtf is that heart?" It's also at like- the cover front bit of the book. The page where you click like, read or add to library. Idk, I haven't touched this app in years so shhh.

❤️‍🔥 - hot, steamy, hardcore SEGGS

💚 - cutesy couple stuff

❤️‍🩹 - slow burn but still SEGGS

💔 - P A I N (just sad depression to break up the others every now and then)

💛 - vanilla stuff, still sexual

💜 - just normal friends hanging out / other normal stories. (you might be his high school friend or work for him on set it, and it just won't become anything other than friendship)

💗 - female representation

💙 - male representation

🧡 - no gender representation

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