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It was a bright summer day, end of her senior year and the beginning of a life in college...Well almost the beginning, she had a lot to enjoy this summer with her best friend Emily and their boyfriends Evan and Chad. Jenny rolled in her bed, enjoying the warm feeling it gave her when suddenly her phone vibrated on the bed beside her, she groaned while checking the caller ID, it was Emily which meant she must be downstairs. Rolling out of bed and getting into her robe, Jenny dragged her feet downstairs to the front door to meet a very cheerful looking Emily feeling excited "someone's happy" Jenny said as she let Emily in "that's because today is shopping". Emily loved shopping like it was her breath; she could do anything for shopping... It was kind of like a hobby and Jenny loved her for it. Jenny was now fully awake and decided to make herself a breakfast of egg sandwich, "hurry up Jenny, Fabson mall is gonna be packed with women trying to get the latest outfit" Emily whined like a kid "relax Emily why hurry?" Jenny asked taking her precious time to make the egg sandwich "today is Saturday, every girl I know will be dying to go to Fabson mall" true. Jenny had finally finished making her sandwich but took just one bite before Emily swiped it from her hand "hey! I was eating that!!" Jenny yelled shocked "just make another one" Emily replied shrugging and Jenny wondered how she came to love Emily this much. She remembered the first time she had met Emily; she was three when the Priors moved next door. Jenny didn't have many friends, she wasn't social and didn't think she and the new neighbor would get along well but after she'd escorted her mum to give the neighbors home baked bread, the two families as well as the daughters became friends. Jenny's parents were not usually home with her mum's constant trips round the world and her dad's late night movement, Jenny spent most of her days and nights with the Priors. When she lost her mum three years ago, Mrs. Prior decided to take care of Jenny and give her the support of a mother while Jenny's dad got back on his feet. She finally made another sandwich for herself then went up to have a shower while Emily texted Evan and Chad to meet them up at the mall.​​​​​​​​​​​
The day went swell for the girls with hanging out with their boyfriends and shopping and watching a movie and all. They were in Jenny's room trying on the clothes they'd bought when suddenly there was a knock on the door and Jenny's dad poked his head through the opening "hey Jenny" her dad said to her "hey dad" she replied "um are you busy? Wanted to talk to you for a second" her dad said "yeah dad, I'm with Emily" "hey Mr. Andrews" Emily greeted her best friend's dad "oh hey Emily how's your dad?" "Fine, thank you sir".

Jenny's dad eventually gave them some privacy and went down to make dinner. After about an hour, Emily finally decided to go home even though her house was just next door,  Jenny then went down stairs to get a drink and was surprised to find her dad in the kitchen eating a pop tart "are you eating a pop tart?" Jenny asked amused "pop tart is a family snack so yeah I'm eating pop tarts...We need to talk" Jenny cringed at the seriousness of her father's tone, it scared the wits out of her as she couldn't think of what it was they wanted to talk about "what is it dad?" she asked taking a seat close to her dad, by now her father was done with his snack and washed it down with a little vodka. Seriously, Jenny never understood how old people combined food with drinks or in her father's case, with alcohol. "You do realize I'm running low on the income and things are a bit hard financially" uh-oh, what was her dad saying? She's not dropping out of school if that's what he is implying...Jenny couldn't drop out, if he needed the assistance she'll work part-time to take care of her bills in school "what are you saying dad? I can't afford to drop out of school!" "You're meant to understand the situation Jennifer, since your mum's death my shrink advised me to take care of myself and rest a lot but I can't do that, I need to work but yet I'm not stable enough to keep a job" Jenny felt tears sting her eyes, although it has been three years since the demise of her mother, it felt just like yesterday. Ever since her mother's death, everything had been going south...First her dad was psychologically affected and had to spend a year in rehab, after his release he lost his job and went back to drinking. With friendly advice from Emily's dad, her dad decided to search for a job instead of drinking and wasting the rest of his life in clubs and bars. She thought about her mum's reaction to her dropping out of school and felt her mother would be disappointed because that was not the future she wanted for her dearest daughter "mum would not want this" Jenny replied shaking her head "YOUR MOTHER IS NOT HERE ANYMORE!!!" her father yelled at her with tears in his eyes, Jenny had never heard her dad yell at her and she was a bit taken back at his sudden outburst but what could she do? She bit her trembling lips and shut her eyes tight as her father continued with what it was he was saying which didn't seem all that important to her anymore "in order to survive I've decided to give you out..." what was he talking about??? " are getting married Jenny, to Mr. Hastings" WHAT?!?!?!​​

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