The Galadhrim

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As Tari rode away from Imlandris on Tuarwen, thoughts clashed through her head as if they were an orchestra without a conductor. Why hadn’t her father come to see her off?  Perhaps because today was the day that her mother had passed into the West, seeking healing from her orc-inflicted wounds, both physical and mental. But there were many other things racing through her head other than the fact that Elrond was in his yearly state of self-pity. However reassuring she had tried to be towards Arwen, Tari was not sure if she would come back from Lothlorien. Her grandparents, however kind they tried to be, were lonely. There were the elves of their city of course, but even they got tiresome. Arwen had a time leaving when she visited about one month ago.

These troublesome thoughts whirling through her head like angry insects, Tari rode. The next morning, she would come to Lothlorien. By the time Tari had broken herself out of her thoughtful trance, the sun had nearly peaked over the hills she was riding for.

Once Tari had indeed reached the hills, the sun had nearly risen to its peak.  Realizing both she and Tuarwen were extremely hungry and fatigued, she tugged the reins. Slowly, her palomino halted. As soon as her master had climbed off of her, Tuarwen settled down on the grass for a moment of repose. Kneeling next to the resting horse, Tari reached into the saddlebags and pulled out some lambas bread. Tuarwen noticed it and lifted her head.

“No, Tuarwen. This is elven food. But,” she said, rummaging in the bag, “I do think I packed your favorite oats.” As Tari lifted the bag of Tuarwen’s food, the horse became rather excited and jumped up.

“All right, all right! Settle down!” The elf said with a laugh like twinkling bells. Pulling out the small container she had packed to feed Tuarwen with, Tari made the already excited palomino even more excited. The container was full within a matter of seconds, and then Tuarwen nearly bit Tari’s hand off in her haste for food.

“Tuarwen!” Once again, her twinkling laugh sounded through the surrounding landscapes, soaring though the trees and flying over the hilltops. Sitting down on the lush grass at the top of the hill, Tari herself settled down to eat, watching her horse drain the bowl in a matter of minutes. To pass the time, Tari stared out into the countryside, looking for the forest of Lothlorien. Finally, she found it, but it was farther away than she had anticipated. If they did not leave soon, they would not be there by nightfall. Standing up, Tari pulled the now empty bowl away from her horse, who was trying to lick it clean.  “Tuarwen, we must get going if we are to reach Lothlorien by nightfall! No more!” The horse sulked, but gave up the bowl. “Come on, up you get, now…” Mounting Tuarwen once more, Tari rode on.  

As she rode, Tari muttered to Tuarwen along the way. “I am talking to a horse,” she said suddenly to no one in particular, “I must be going mad.” 

Tuarwen shook her man as if to say, “Why yes, I believe you are.”

“Well,” Tari giggled, “That horse seems more like a pig to me.” They rode in silence for a very long time until it began to get dark. At that time, they had just reached the forest. Caras Galadhon was her final destination, though she was expecting her most precious friend that was not her sister or brothers to meet her before she arrived there. He and his ensemble were expecting her, obviously.

As if on cue, Tari heard a slight rustling in front of her she smiled and called out, ‘Lower your bows. You know who I am. I presume you are expecting me, Haldir?” Immediately, the Galadhrim, who had surrounded Tari silently, lowered their bows and stepped from the shadows. As Tari slipped off of Tuarwen, none other than Haldir greeted her.

“We expected you much earlier, Alatauriel.” He strode forward, displaying his haughty nature that Tari teased him about all the time.

“I was inevitably delayed,” Tari responded stiffly.

‘By what, I might enquire?”

“This pig’s constant stopping for rest and food,” she said, pointing to Tuarwen.

Haldir laughed and embraced her. “Ah, Tari! It has been too long!”

“Indeed it has, Haldir.”

“Come, Tari.” Haldir released her. “Back on your pig of a horse. Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn have been quite anxious to greet you ever since they sensed you had passed into the realm.”

Tari laughed and mounted Tuarwen again. They rode along towards Caras Galadhon, laughing and joking all the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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