This is nothing more than a short TRUE story on 1 guy who is my biggest fear in life)
What's your biggest fear? Death? Spiders? Snakes? Heights? The list goes on and on really.
Mine? My fear is not those I hate heights, snakes, and spiders. But death doesn't seem so bad when the thought of facing him again is present. I wouldn't tell you his name. To incriminating. But if you know a guy like this run because they are never good when they ask you for favors, and jobs.
I meat him freshman year and I thought he was the shit. I was so naïve then. but I digress I told him I liked him and he said he liked me to then he moved to another school in a near by town. We stayed in contact and I really liked him. At the time I didn't have a phone than so when he asked for my number he got mad when I said I didn't have one he thought I was lying. I wasn't I really didn't have a phone my folks didn't think I was responsible to have one. He stopped talking to me, a few weeks passed and he asked me if I would ever have sex with him. I thought it was odd. I asked why he said he loved me... nothing else just that he missed me and asked me for sex and that he loved me. I laughed it off at first seeing as that no guy has ever touched me. I told him he had to be high on something and that he better find another girl because I wanted to prove to myself and my sisters that you don't need to jump into bed with the first guy who says he loves you.
I blocked him. I think like 3 months went by and I got a phone I sent him my number. We would talk occasionally but the conversations lasted 2-3 minutes top. (Prepare for sarcasm) VERY INTERTAINING RIGHT?!??!?!?!?!?! (end sarcasm)
So I deleted his number, and I was happy He had no effect on me, I didn't cringe when I heard his name. I didn't flinch when my guy friends poked or hugged me. I was me again. But it didn't last long When me and my friend Shelby were watching the whole SCREAM movie series at my house in the dark, which just made it better, my phone bused thinking it was Shelby's boyfriend I picked it up the text said simply 'Hey'. I asked who it was and they said who it was I hyperventilated. I played it cool. I talked to him and we eventually played truth or dare.
He asked me for pictures. I refused, I asked him his biggest fear and to face it head on. Thinking he say something stupid he said ok and that his fear was death. There went my cool head my phone 'accidentally' went into all caps mode. I told him not to and that I didn't know that and that I didn't want him to die. Want to know his response? "If you wont send me a pic of your beautiful self than why would you care if I lived or died?" I freaked I didn't want to because I knew how embarrassed I'd be if his stupid ass leaked them, how disappointed my family would be how much more shit I'd get at school. I told him I was embarrassed he told me he wouldn't leak. I didn't believe him. He than asked to hang-out. I didn't see a problem with that a movie between two old friends right? right? So WRONG!
I said sounds great a movie sounds even better. He talked more and he asked me if I'd give him a blow/hand job. I discovered than I hyperventilating problems. I told him when he said when we hung out I lied and said I was going to bed I was suppose to hang out with him this week but It'll never happen. He asked my friend Shelby for the same thing she denied.
I didn't tell my mom the first time but I had no problem telling her this. She called the school his mom called mine and that's all I know. Why is this my biggest fear. Because I'm afraid of him that he'll come back and hurt me or someone I love. He scares me I just want him out of my head and gone for good. But he just wouldn't leave me alone he is in my dreams and in my thoughts I want to throw up when my friends ask me if he texted me. he doesn't have the balls! But he does have the nerve I believe to contact me again and hurt me. I just want him gone. I never thought I'd be a girl faced with a problem like him. And I know I'm not the only girl he asked. But I don't think he's done being in my life and that's all I want is him gone out of my head and my thoughts. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone why do I still feel like he has some control on me. He never touched me. but knowing he less than One car ride to the next town away scares the shit out of me.
This isn't a lie none of it is I just didn't know what to do to get him off my mind I hope this helps me. You may all think I'm lying for attention I'm not if you ever meet someone like this or that throws the suicide card at you leave them be because they'll drag you into there problems and that'll hurt you more, letting them in your life then leaving them alone.