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Author's note: before I begin this saga I'm going to give a brief synopsis of each of my previous stories and other pertinent information that will be relevant to this story. I'm here hoping to bring potential readers in and not drive them away with all the convoluted storylines and it could possibly be read as it's own book.

Destined to Collide I arc 1- The story description.

What starts as a minor traffic altercation evolves into an unexpected romance that will rock their worlds.

Meet Carolynn; a beautiful 24 year old woman engaged to one of the finest young attorneys in New York City. Her fiance, Spencer, works at the firm run by her once-estranged father, Carl, while her mother, Teresa, is a breast cancer survivor and works in a facility in Manhattan that treats special needs patients. Because of all this she's a very optimistic and positive person and at her young age she's already an accomplished art curator after interning at the Met and now she's been given the opportunity to open her own art gallery. However it's in a small town in New Jersey but her art gallery is apart of a gentrification project that's going to spice up the market and she has an apartment right above the gallery.

Then there's Donny; 29 years old, law school dropout, incarcerated father, Russ, special needs brother, Chester, fiance, Brook, cheated on him, mother, Lisa, died in a car accident which he blames himself for. He comes from a small town in New Jersey (the same as Carolynn's art gallery) and works as one of the manager fts of a fast food restaurant run by the father of his life-long best friend, Kenny, who also works there. He also plays bass guitar and fills in from time to time in NYC for a band managed by his other best friend from college and law school, Chad, who's also an attorney and works for the same law firm as Spencer. He uses most of his money he to help pay for Chester's care for which insurance barely helps with. He's the polar opposite of Carolynn; pessimistic, jaded, bitter about pretty much everything and has a terrible habit of getting in his own way. He gets offers for better, well paying or going out with a new girl because, among other reasons, he thinks he doesn't deserve it.

Here's the story of how two unlikely strangers meet and eventually fall in love. (Neither of them know that they're not complete strangers)

By chapter 8 they manage to overcome Spencer but soon the real antagonist reveals himself, Carl. Under the pretense of giving Donny a job, Carl actually wanted to keep Donny away from Carolynn to the point that he colluded with Irish mobsters to create a minor terrorist attack involving the transportation systems between New York and Connecticut just to keep Donny from attending Carolynn's birthday party. It's also during this time that Donny reunites with Brook and they briefly have FWB situation. Russ is also released from prison in that time. Then finally, in chapter 11, Carolynn storms Carl's lawfirm and creates a viral moment known as 'Pantsuit Powderkeg' where Carolynn publicly exposes and humiliates Carl's wrongdoings and schemes and the 1st arc end with Carolynn and Donny getting together. It was in this chapter that Carolynn decided she wanted to be called Linnie (her original nickname).

Destined to Collide I arc 2- The second arc begins 6 months after the end of the first. Simultaneously, the story of Cogs of Deception begins. But as a result of Carl's little terrorist attack, there's now federal agents working under cover all around the small New Jersey town, most notably Agent Neil who poses as Chester's caretaker.

The arc revolves around two major storylines. Linnie's movie based on Pantsuit Powderkeg, which introduces Derek into the story is one subplot but they main plot of the second arc is the arrival of Candace, Kenny's twins sister and Donny's childhood crush. She's come after being absent from everyone's lives for several years while living in Italy. Her arrival creates a shockwave in Donny's world that permeates to those closest to him and reopens old wounds from Donny's past regarding his friends and they come back to haunt him. The biggest bombshell of this arc is that Candace's son, Naldo, is Donny's biological child and not Candace's abusive husband Carlo's. Donny and Linnie briefly break up due to all this chaos where Linnie goes to Hollywood to shoot her movie. It's there that Derek (the son of Linnie's art manager Ashley) made a pass at Linnie. Chapter 23, the 2nd arc and the main story ends with Donny and Linnie remembering that they met years earlier briefly and they realize it was destiny that brought them together. Donny proposes and Linnie accepts and that ends the main story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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