Chapter 1

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" In the company of the lesser evil." I mumbled.

"Quiet, Thumi "

I rolled my eyes. I never quite understood the need to show off power. Power in itself is quite a felt concept, it stands out all on its own, why show it off ? It seemed absolutely pointless in my opinion, but hey, I was being chastised by a recently elected class representative, the need to show off was basically compulsory at that point.

"Sorry." I whispered back. I ruffled my newspaper and continued reading. I could tell their eyes were on me, staring at me with nothing but immature judgement. Pretty sure I was the only one in this class  and at this age in the entire country who was reading a newspaper, for information, not to salivate at the beautiful models and entertain myself with the carnal stories within.

But hey, to each with their own form of pleasure. I mean, I didn't judge them for their crass conversations about sex and whatnot and their gossips, did I? They should've at least cut me some slack. But alas, they did not.

I sighed.

But, even as I stared at the words on the paper, I couldn't read them. Not that there wasn't anything to be read but just that there wasn't anything I could read. And given that what, more specifically , who,  I especially wanted to learn about wasn't featuring there, things were becoming dangerously thin.

If the newspaper didn't have news on him then it was clear that the man was a genius of his own.

I sighed again. My desk mate cast an irritated glance at me. Fuck him. I folded the newspaper and replaced it in my bag then continued to stare at where it had been. The ticking of my watch grew louder and louder as I waited.

It wasn't always you found a quiet class during a free period. They should elect new representatives every free periods.

I sighed.... again.

When was she going to get here?

"Will you stop doing that?"

I lazily turned my head and looked at him. My desk mate, Jacob was head taller than me physically and three feet shorter in terms of intellect. I couldn't blame him, in fact I couldn't blame all my classmates who mirrored him in that. They were all stupid, I was not.

I couldn't allow myself to be. That easily meant death in my world.

"Sorry bout that." I replied. He shook his head and went back to reading his erotic novel. Poor chap. He'd been waiting for it to go round and round the class before he got it. He and I were the only people who hadn't read it, and  the fact that he was currently reading it before me gave him a sense of superiority I'm sure.


I rolled my eyes and turned away, actually choosing to enjoy the quiet. Apparently, that little interaction made him think I wanted to talk to him...since he started speaking to me immediately after.

"I'm telling you Thumi, this is pure gold." I didn't look at him. He could have been gesturing to actual gold, his ding dong or his shiny yellow watch, but I was pretty sure he was talking about the book he was reading. No doubt he got to the sex part.

"If you keep talking, we'll be branded as noise makers...." I whispered back.

"Relax, the rep isn't even looking at us." He replied.

"Then I simply don't want to talk, to you especially."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked" there you go again, thinking you're all shit."

"I'm not. I just don't like any of you, honestly . I'm a simple man."

He rolled his eyes and went back to his reading. I was sure that if I looked down there I would have seen a bulge between his legs and would have been creeped out the entire day. Eyes forward Thumi.

She should be here in-

The door opened "Class, we have a new student joining us."

- right about now. I took all my might not to smile. First impressions and all that, and as far  as those went, my first impression of her was very disappointing to say the least.

She was dressed in a beanie hat, large pink  round rimmed glasses, colourful lips with glinting earrings. Her face stood out too much even if you didn't count in the long bright pink braids she had on her head.

It was hard, very hard not to smack my face and sigh to the world. Her large brown eyes swept across the room, barely sparing me a glance. If she had, I would have known something was terribly wrong and would have taken the next break as a chance to flee from here.

The teacher, Mr Amos cleared his throat again. Everyone's attention was on her, so if there ever was an award for futile attempts, my guy would be in the spotlight no doubt.

For the guys, a new babe to ogle at and compete over, for the ladies, someone to emulate, compete with, scheme against and gossip about.

Really, it grew more mentally frustrating the more I thought about it.

"Please, introduce yourself." Mr Amos said.

"Name's Eloise. Eloise Keriseh."

She didn't add anything after. Straight to the point with just the essentials. Well, at least her voice wasn't annoying, actually, it was quite smooth. I sighed, quite audibly in fact, since in the next moment, her eyes were on me.

I looked away immediately. The fact that her character and personality didn't seem to be what I had expected meant  I didn't have to follow through the script. It was impossible to calculate everything and I had gotten this far by improvisation, so go with the flow it was. I couldn't let her notice me too quickly.

She looked away.

I looked back at her.

Hmm, Keriseh. Must be her mother's maiden name. Of course, he wouldn't let his daughter take his name. He had a weakness and he knew how to make up for it.

Otherwise, why else would the unknown daughter of the former governor come to a recently began academy of all places?

I smiled.

Well, I clearly had my work cut out for me, but one had to acknowledge the step closer towards their goals eh?

Oh, just wait, Saint Jermaine. I'm the darkness you've been too focused on the light to acknowledge, and believe me, when the embers of the  light have faded, only I will be left to consume you.

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