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They double booked me? Really? I needed this, I needed all the time I could get. I know it wasn't their fault, it was an accident but it sucked and to make it worse, it was some hockey player. I loved Tim and Barbra but really!? How was I going to practice? I didn't have time for this? I had so many things to do and no time to do it. Barbra sundered and I share the ice. It wasn't a bad idea but definitely not something I wanted to do. How was I going to do that anyway? When I got to the door of the ice arena I turned toward him. He was tall, brown hair just so perfectly placed, dark brown eyes watching me, and a mischievous smirk. His body was very well taken care of. His muscles are pushing against his shirt. I placed my hand on my hip but before I could talk he was already on top of it.

"Look, I don't have time to fight with you. I don't care about sharing the ice. I will take that side, you take the other. Simple and easy, no need to get all upset about it kid."

Kid? I was not a kid? I was his age, I think. "Excuse you. I am no "kid". What was your name? Jay?" His body tensed slightly. "Jasper? No, James, yes James. Their is a reason to get upset about it, I needed this time."

"Not Jay." Oh so he doesn't like Jay? Well to bad. "We both need this time, I can make it work and if you can't then figure something else out. Until then I am going to start practice."

"You know what? I will to, Jay."

"Not Jay."

"Not Kid."

"Well then, what is it?"





"Lane." I said strongly.



I turned around and skated on the ice. I put my earbuds in and started my music. I needed to get this routine down. As the music began playing, my body moving toward the music, all of my angers slowly drifted away. My feet moving right where they need to be, on the mark I start with my first move. As the music plays, I mark, and set my move. I go through them as they come up and prepare the next. Each going well, my body easy following as the music takes over and I drift from my mind to just skating. Everyone once in a while I real my head back in to make sure I mark correctly but soon I am gone, mindlessly going through the routine. Much sooner than I wished my music went silent and a ringing alarm went off. My feet were accelerating as I came to a quick stop, tearing up the ice under me as I watched ice flakes fly to the side. Much harder stop than I had planed, not a stop you want to make in figure skating skates. Sorry ice, sorry skates. I turn off the alarm and look up to James watching me.


He rolls his eyes. "Lanie. Hard stop their kid."


We both got off the ice, packing our things and leaving in silence. Leaving the ice was never enjoyable, I loved being out there. The ice was my safe spot, nothing could ever touch me there. I felt so much lighter, better, and realized that this was all just an inconvenience. It was an accident and sharing the ice didn't kill me today so I would be fine. Walking home in the cold wasn't very fun but I didn't have a car. I was saving up for one but cars are expensive so it would have to wait. Working two jobs would pay for it soon if figure skating didn't eat it all first. It wasn't very cold right now so I wasn't too worried about it. I walked into the apartment and was immediately greeted by Daisy making out with some new guy and Hazel's loud annoyed groan.

"I got something you're going to want to hear." I called.

    Daisy stopped making out with the boy and walked up to me, sitting down on one of the barstools in front of the kitchen island. Hazel popped her head out of her doorway and made her way next to Daisy. Whenever we have tea to spill we simply just say "I got something you're going to want to hear" and everyone comes running.

"What is it?" Hezel asked as she leaned on the island looking very intrigued.

"Hey!" The boy on the couch called.

"Shut up." We turned and yelled.

    He shut his mouth and mumbled something about talking to Daisy later before heading out the door.

"Okay, spill." Daisy asked.

"Barbra and Tim double booked." I told them as I refilled my water bottle.

"Okay?" Hazel asked. She knew there was more.

"That sucks but is that too much of a problem? If it's just another skater then they can do their thing and stay out of the way. If it's another figure skater then you two can help each other." Daisy asked.

"It's double booked with a Hockey player." Both Hazel and Daisy's mouths were wide open.

"Are you kidding me!" Hazel said, annoyed.

"Can they change his times?" Daisy suggested.

"Its the only time he can practice according to him."

"Well you can't move times, you have too much to do and that literally is the only time you can do it." Hazel explained.

"I know. Tim and Barbra don't even have another slot open so until further notice we have to share."

"Ugg that's terrible. Hockey players are so gross!" Daisy announces.

She's right, they are. Figure skaters and hockey players don't get along, we both hate each other. Hockey players are rough, arrogant, loud, gross, and child like men. They think we are boring, spoiled, don't know hard work, they think what we do is simple and that we are only to look pretty. As if. Figure skating is very hard work, it's tough and not easy. It takes years of practice and dedication. Hockey is much simpler, you're just passing around a hockey puck with a stick.

"Is he at least hot?" Daisy asks. Both me and Hazel turn to her in surprise.

"Daisy, he's a hockey player!" Hazel said, shocked.

"This is a new low Daisy." I told her. She just smiled and shrugged.

Daisy is known for not even looking at a guy's face before jumping on the chance to start something, anything but a relationship. I love Daisy but I really wish she would find a guy that actually loves her for her, not her body.

"Yeah yeah, you didn't answer the question." She pointed out.

"I will not dignify your question with any answer." I said dramatically which caused both girls to laugh.

"Oh jeez, are you reading another historical romance?" Hazel said while rolling her eyes. I may or may not tend to change the way I speak just slightly depending on the books I'm reading. Historical romances are much easier to tell.

"Always Be my Duchess." I answer. "Now I must excuse myself, I need a shower."

Both girls roll their eyes as I walk off. I set my bag on my bed and grabbed new clothes for the shower. It felt nice to have the hot water blanket my cold skin. Tuesdays and Fridays, I don't have too much going on other than practicing so I spend this time catching up on any homework and hanging out with friends. College parties are not so much my thing and that tends to be where the girls go on the weekend so I take what I can. They give me Friday, they get the weekend with a chance of me joining them. It's been a few weeks since I last went to a party and I plan to wait a few more weeks. Drunk people are some of my worst nightmares, but I can handle Daisy and Hazel.

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