dare 61

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Me: Reading time. 

Megatron: What will we be reading this time? 

Me: A chapter written by tylerjg04 it's about a Prime called Astra, the goddes of weather. 

Optimus: What are we waiting for then? 

*after reading* 

Megatron: A couple pests less. 

Optimus: He had no right to kill all of them. 

Starscream: It was to be expected, I don't feel sorry for them.  

Dreadwing: I have no words. 

Airachnid: Do you really think that I care? 

Skyquake: ...

Makeshift: No child deserves to be killed for the crimes of their parents. 

Miko: That was so sad. 

Rafael: Poor children. 

Jack: Poor parents. 

June: I could never imagine the pain of losing a child. 

Folwer: I got no words for this. 

Laserbeak: <That was so sad.>

Soundwave: ...

Knockout: ...

Breakdown: Poor children. 

Shockwave: It is illogical for the children to die. 

Ultra Magnus: What kind of god would kill children. 

Smokescreen: I hope she killed the guy. 

Wheeljack: That's so cruel. 

Bumblebee: :;I hope that god died.;:

Arcee: He deserves to die. 

Ratchet: Any god that does that doesn't deserve to be called a god. 

Bulkhead: Those poor children...

Predaking: I really don't care. 

Skylynx: Yeah, me neither. 

Darksteel: What's a child? 

Hardshell: They deserve to die. 

Cliffjumper: Poor children. 

Tailgate: I don't even know what humans are. 

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