he takes care of you when you're sick - b.c.

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you woke up with a pounding headache to realize that you've gotten a heavy flu. you looked to the side to see your sleepy but handsome boyfriend and smiled, but eventually got out of bed to get ready for the day.

you went to go make breakfast until you heard chan walking out of the bedroom towards you from the hallway.

"hi baby" his voice still being raspy.

you tried your best to smile as you normally do, but you end up giving him a half smile considering you have no energy to do so.

"something smells delicious. whatcha making?" he says while wrapping his arms around you from behind to give you a back hug, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"eggs and bacon" you tried your best to sound as normal as you can but once again, didn't succeed very well.

"are you okay baby? you sound a little sick."

"i'm fine, channie. go get dressed for practice. the food will be done soon." you tried to push him away from you, not wanting him to be concerned or get sick.

so he shrugs it off, thinking it may just be the morning voice.

you continue to make breakfast, but the pounding in your head is getting worse and your vision starts to get blurry.

you end up setting down the utensils and placed your hands on the counter, trying to get a hold of yourself.

chan then exits the bathroom and notices the current state you're in so he rushes towards you.

"y/n? what's wrong, baby?" he quickly steadies your weak self by grabbing onto your waist.

when you didn't respond, he puts two and two together and brings a hand up to your forehead.

"oh my god love, you're burning up. let's get you back in bed, yeah?" he turns off the stove and swoops you up in bridal style all the way to your shared bedroom.

"babe, i said i'm fi-"

"you're clearly not." he places you down in bed carefully, hovering the blanket over you. "i'll be back, i'll finish making breakfast and bring you medicine."

"chan you can't. you have to go to practi-" he already shuts the door before letting you finish the sentence.

you groaned. knowing him, he's 100% not going to practice anymore for the comeback album they're releasing very soon all because you're sick. great.

you can't even bother attempting to get up out of bed either. all your energy is drained and the morning just started.

you hear three knocks on the door before it opens. "i have your eggs and bacon so sit up, sweetie." he places the plate and water down on the desk before helping you sit up against the bed frame.

"thank you channie. i'm really okay though. you should go to practice with the boys now." you thank him, wishing you can give him a kiss right now.

"you think i would leave my princess alone all day while she's burning up with a fever?" he scoffs, bringing up the cup of water to your mouth.

"yes, i can take care of myself you know." you jokingly roll your eyes at him, taking two sips of the water.

"i know you can, but now you got me. and as long as you got me, i'll always be here to take care of you too, yeah?" he says lovingly, smiling at you while you finish your last bites of your breakfast.

"i knowww, i just don't want you to miss a day of practice. you've been eager to release the album as soon as possible and you guys are already behind a couple of days. i didn't want you to worry about me when you could've been focusing on getting the recordings done." you say, feeling guilty about ruining his schedule with the rest of the boys.

"don't worry y/n. i already told the guys practice is off today. there's always another day and we don't have to rush. trust me baby, your health will always be my top priority."

"i love you chan." you weakly smile back at him, wondering how you got such an amazing boyfriend.

"i love you too y/n. before i forget, you should take your medicine now." he takes your plate and hands you the medicine. "look i know how much you hate this medicine but-"

your eyes widen at the sight of what medicine he was trying to give you. "no. i am not taking that." you cross your arms, looking away from him.

"love, you have to. it's the only way to make you feel better." he brings the spoon up to your mouth.

"no. it's disgusting. i rather stay sick forever than taste that ever again." you mentally gag just by thinking back at last time you had tasted it.

he sighs, "okay, fine. i guess i have no choice but to take away your netflix subscription for a month." he says, retracting the spoon slowly that's full of the medicine you dreaded to take.

you whip your head back towards him while furrowing your brows, still not giving in.

"no more back massages.. or back hugs." he continues, still slowly drawing back the spoon from you.

"you wouldn't.." your eyes widen once again.

"no more cuddles, no more kis-"

"okay, okay! fine. you win, i'll take it." you roll your eyes, opening your mouth for him to feed you the medicine.

"that's my girl." he laughs at the sight of you scrunching up your nose as soon as you swallowed it.

"i want to go back to sleep now and you're coming under the blanket with me." you grab a fistful of his hoodie and tug it towards you, indicating for some cuddles.

"anything for my precious girlfriend." he puts away the medicine and gets under the blanket with you, wrapping an arm around your body to spoon you.

"goodnight baby" he kisses your temple before you both drift off to sleep.

(a/n) whoop whoop! i finally posted my first one shot on here. hopefully it's not too bad lol. butttt, it's currently 5:28am and i got class in 5 hours so goodnight :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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