Neo (RWBY)

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[Male oc x Neo - Size difference, Vanilla, super love dovey.]

Vale was a hell of a city. During the day it was a place where hunters and huntresses grew and trained. And at night it was a city full of crime and debauchery. With bar hoppers, druggies, and criminals roaming the streets. One such bar was the epicenter of this degeneracy, Juniors, a bar run by a nutorious con-man and evader of the law, Junior.

"So, Junior, what kinda criminals you have here today? Coupla' murderers, maybe a child kidnapper, oooo, what about a rapist? Prolly got one of those." A man sat at the bar, fiddling with an empty shot glass, his bright white hair practically flashbanging anyone who looked at him.

"Dear brothers stop that stupid accent." Junior said to the man as he slid him another glass of booze. "Hmh, was it that bad, ive been trying to get better at it... Seems I need more practice." Junior was known as a prick in the community, not hesistant to throw anyone out of his bar if they annoyed him too much. Of course, other than the man in front of him.

"Well well well, I didn't expect to find my creepy fish eyed cohort in a dump such as this!" In came another one of the people on Juniors "no throw out" list. Roman Torchwick. The sheer amount of information and money he brings with him forces anybody even closely associated with the black market to deal with his bullshit.

"Roman! Shouldnt you be in Atlas getting chased by iron wood right now?" Roman sat down next to his friend and kicked up his legs on another stool nearby. "Thats the word my friend, should. But as you can see, Atlas did a crap job getting me."

He sighed. "Not surprised." He reached for his drink and tried to take a sip from it, only to realize that it was empty. He looked to his right and a saw a little pink and black haired girl licking her lips.

"... Junior put that one on Neos tab and give me another one." Neo made an over exagerated gasp motioned before twisted her head and fake crying. "You can't fool me Neo, I know you have enough money to buy out this entire bar."

She inaudibly clicked her tounge, annoyed that her attempt to gain a free drink failed.

"So, Roman... What do you want?" Roman chuckled and swirled his cup of wine around. "Oh what could you mean my dear friend?"

"You only call me a friend when you have something you need me to do." He looked at Roman, and Roman looked back before he started laughing. "Hahaha! You are way to good at reading me. Though, I guess its a good thing considering your job Ian."

He took a sip from his drink and gently set it down. "Conditions are?"

"Secret Atlas weapon blueprints, guarded by 50 men. You and Neo will invade a convoy that is disguised as a semi-truck and steal the blueprints. I have a sponser who said they'll give you 500 thousand Lien for them."

He sighed and smacked his hand down on the counter and lifting himself off his stool. "Alright, lets go Neo, we'll talk about splits after we are done. For now, we have a bullhead to catch."

He didnt even wait for Neo, he just stood up and rushed to the door. Neo waved her arms and drank her shot before running after him.


A semi-truck slowly drove down Atlas cities main road, seemingly driving towards the capital building for some reason. "Eyes on the target, they're going over the spikes in 3. 2. 1. Now!" The truck drove over an unassuming pebble, which shattered like glass, breaking Neos illusion and revealing the long line of tire spikes. Popping the front wheel of the semi and causing it to swerve. And finally topple down.

The cars behind the semi opened up, revealing the armed guards Roman talked about. "Alright, go ahead and do your thing. I'll distract them." Ian jumped off the roof he was standing on and landed infront of the armed guards.

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