xi. you are you

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It was a cold evening as Mayumi draped a shawl over her torso, enjoying the breeze making her hair flow

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It was a cold evening as Mayumi draped a shawl over her torso, enjoying the breeze making her hair flow. The sun was yet to set and the birds chirping made her smile. Her phone pinged and she didn't had to check to know who it was. Must be Okkotsu san. Ever since he asked her out for a date that morning, they had been exchanging texts and she, in her heart, knew that he wasn't like Tobe san or like any of the other men she had dated.

Her brother had texted that he probably wouldn't be home, considering how he was going out on a mission. Mayumi hated the sound of it. The last time he had come, he was beaten up and wounded and even then, he had the audacity to act as if everything was alright!

With a sigh, she took out her all time favourite book, Jane Eyre and curled up on the bed, trying to hide her loneliness. Why did she had to be so shy and have no friends at all? Her eyes landed on the plate of chicken curry and rice laid on the table. How foolish of her to think Gojo san would come again! She punched her forehead lightly as she closed her eyes, reminding herself that she ought to focus on her date with Okkotsu san and not let her overexpect when it came to the white haired man.

He must be out on a date again, she wondered. It was a pretty evening and he must have a pretty woman by his side. Probably the woman from that night. Good for him. She winced at the bitterness in her throat.

“Mayumi chan?”

Oh, great. Even her ears were buzzing up now. Was she down with a fever now? Eyes still shut, she touched her forehead.

“Are you ill?”

Her eyes fluttered open as she saw him standing in front of her, the balcony door open, a small smile on his face. With a gasp, she got out of the covers, shaking her head. “No. I just didn't expect you.”

“You left the balcony door open.”

Oh, busted. “Bold of you to assume it was for you!”

She saw his eyebrows frown before his face fell. “Indeed. Must be for Okkotsu, eh? Did I come at the wrong time?”

Huh. What did that mean?

“Why would I invite Okkotsu san to my bedroom?” She let out a gasp, glaring at him. “That's so weird!”

“Is it?” He shut the balcony door, sitting on her chair. It was a funny sight, the tall white haired man sitting on a pink love chair. “I thought you liked him!”

“Agreeing for a date and inviting in the bedroom are two distinct things!” Mayumi huffed, folding her arms over her chest, “not everyone does it like you, of course.”

“Like me?” A cheeky grin formed on his face, ”Woah, Mayumi chan. You've got a lot of fire inside you right now.”

Mayumi stilled for a second. He was right. She was acting so not like her usual self. Arguing with someone? She couldn't remember the last time she had done that with someone.

“You're bringing out my bad side, Gojo san.”

“It pleases me to know that even the best of the good girls have a bad side.”

“You make everything sound so lewd!”

“Do you want me to apologize?”

“Not when you don't mean it!”

He stood up and took a few steps closer towards her bookshelf, running a finger over her books briefly. “I didn't know you like to read.”

“I thought it was stereotypical,” She smiled and he turned towards her, dropping his sunglasses.

“You are not stereotypical, Mayumi,” He whispered as he held her shoulders and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting. “You don't fit any of the stereotypes. You are you. Do you get it?”

“Do you mean it?”

“Every word,” He leaned in closer, his lips fluttering against hers.

a/n : i totally didn't expect this to get 1k reads, tysm tysm tysm omg! also, sorry for the slow updates. my law entrance exam is a few days later and im studying for it BUT tysm oh my god

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