𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Today's the day, where Jake is sneaking in Jaemin's house to find Yerin.

"I hope she's okay." Jake whispered to himself as they entered Jaemin's house to search for Yerin. Jake and Heeseung checked upstairs, and Sunghoon and Jay checked downstairs.

As Jake and his friends starts their search, their exhaustion grew, but Jake's determination remained steadfast. He couldn't shake the feeling that Yerin was somewhere in the house, and he couldn't give up until he found her.They combed through every room, checked behind furniture, and even searched the closets, but there was no sign of Yerin.

The house remained eerily quiet, with no response to their calls and shouts. Doubt started to creep into Jake's mind, but he pushed it aside, refusing to let it deter him.

"Jake, I don't think she's here. We searched for so long and how would you know? Maybe she's somewhere else, but not here.

"I can't explain it, Heeseung," Jake said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and determination. "I know she's here. We just have to keep looking."Heeseung, though exhausted and skeptical, understood Jake's unwavering belief. He nodded and mustered up his remaining energy to support his friend. "Alright, Jake. Let's give it one more shot. We'll search every nook and cranny until we find her."

With renewed determination, Jake and Heeseung continued their search, methodically checking every possible spot. They moved silently, their senses heightened, hoping to catch even the faintest sound or glimpse of Yerin's presence.Minutes turned into hours as they meticulously combed through the house.

As Sunghoon leans onto the wall next to the stairs to rest, he accidentally fell in. Huh? It was a secret door! Sunghoon thought. Immediately, he rushed to open the secret door again and shouted so that the others can come. "Guys! There was a basement here!" Sunghoon yelled. Everyone rushed down immediately. They opened the door and slowly walked in. "YERIN? ARE YOU THERE?" Jake shouted. A very small sound came in from inside the basement. "J-jake?" It was Yerin. Jake immediately rushed in the basement to see an injured Yerin. "Quick! Call the ambulance!" Jake shouted in panic. Heeseung immediately dialed the ambulance. "Who did this to you? Jaemin?" Jake asked Yerin as he carried her out the basement.

Jake's question about who had harmed Yerin hung in the air, but before she could respond, she lost consciousness. Tears streamed down Jake's face as he carried her out of the basement, his mind racing with worry and anger.

"And you never cared about your girlfriend so much, and cared so much for Yerin? You sure you don't like her?" Jay teased.

"Not the time, Jay!" Heeseung said seriously.

Minutes later, the wailing sirens of the approaching ambulance filled the air, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. The paramedics swiftly took over, attending to Yerin's injuries and stabilizing her condition.

As Yerin was rushed to the hospital, Jake, along with his friends, anxiously followed behind in their own vehicles. The car ride was filled with a heavy silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts and worries.

Arriving at the hospital, they were informed that Yerin would need immediate medical attention and that they would have to wait for updates. The waiting room became their temporary refuge, where they leaned on each other for support, their concern etched on their faces.

Time seemed to stretch as they anxiously awaited news about Yerin's condition. Jake's mind was filled with a mix of guilt, anger, and fear. Guilt for not being able to protect Yerin, anger towards whoever had harmed her, and an overwhelming fear of losing someone he cared about deeply.

Hours passed, and finally, a doctor emerged from the emergency room. The group stood up, their eyes fixed on the doctor, silently pleading for positive news.

The doctor's expression softened as he approached them. "Yerin is stable now. She sustained several injuries, but she will recover with time and proper care. She's fortunate to have friends like you who brought her in."

A collective sigh of relief filled the air, and tears of gratitude welled up in Jake's eyes. Yerin would be okay, and that was all that mattered in that moment.

As they settled down, Jay's earlier teasing resurfaced in Jake's mind. He pondered the question silently, realizing that his concern for Yerin had indeed surpassed that of a typical friend. The realization was both confusing and undeniable, but for now, his priority was Yerin's well-being.


Yerin's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in a hospital bed. As the fog of unconsciousness lifted, she saw Jake's familiar figure by her side. A mix of gratitude and relief washed over her as she realized that she had been saved from Jaemin, thanks to Jake's relentless determination.

As Yerin fully regained consciousness, she yawned, inadvertently catching Jake's attention. His face lit up with joy, and he stood up, unable to contain his excitement. "Yerin! You're awake," he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face. Yerin couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in Jake's presence.

"I was so worried about you," Jake confessed, his brow furrowed with concern.

Yerin's heart swelled with gratitude for his unwavering support. "I'm sorry for making you worry," she apologized, feeling guilty for the stress she had caused him.

"Don't apologize," Jake reassured her, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm just glad you're okay now. But please, tell me everything that happened."

Yerin nodded, realizing that Jake deserved to know the details of her ordeal. She recounted the harrowing experiences she had endured at Jaemin's bullying, the fear and helplessness she had felt, and the gratefulness she felt at the eventual discovery of the basement where she was found.

Jake's expression turned into one of anger as he listened to her story, his fists clenched tightly. But Yerin quickly interjected, pleading with him not to take matters into his own hands. "I want him to apologize himself," she insisted, her voice filled with determination. She believed that it was important for Jaemin to face the consequences of his actions directly. Jake nodded.

As Jake opens his mouth to say something, he got cut by Heeseung who entered the room, breaking the conversation. "We're going to grab something to eat now," he announced, giving Yerin a warm smile. "Take care, Yerin."

Yerin nodded appreciatively at Heeseung's words. "Please take care of yourself too," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. She watched as Heeseung dragged Jake away, cutting off any further conversation between them.

As the door closed, Yerin lay back on her bed, reflecting on everything that had transpired. She knew that she was fortunate to have friends like Jake and his friends by her side, who had risked everything to find her and ensure her safety. And now, as she focused on her recovery and healing, she felt a renewed sense of strength and determination to overcome the trauma she had endured, with her friends beside her every step of the way.


A longer chapter for u guysss :D

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