First Night, Hot Night

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DISCLAIMER: Half of this story is totally my imagination and has nothing to do with the actual plot of the series. This story contains mature content! If you feel like you cannot read things like that, you do not have to read it! Thank you!

After Seyran heard that Kazım had brought Suna to Saffet's house and married her there by force, she waited until everyone was asleep and sneaked out of the house. She got in a taxi and headed over to the only place, or more accurately - the only person, she felt the need to go to, despite that it was forbidden for her to go there.

After about twenty minutes of travelling, Seyran arrived at her former home. But, instead of going through the door, she climbed through the ladder and hopped over to Ferit's balcony - something that she had never done for all this time that she had been married to Ferit and living in this house. Getting on his balcony, she knocked on the door.

Ferit was in his room, sitting on his bed, with his back leaned against the backrest of the bed, and thinking about his own stuff. Hearing the knock on the glass door of his balcony, he sighed and went to open it.

"Only you were missing..." he whispered to himself, thinking it was Pelin

As he was pissed at the thought that Pelin might have again come when he had the least desire to see her, his eyes suddenly lit up with happiness, as he moved the curtain. His beautiful smile took its place on his face right away, when he saw his beloved Seyran at the door, waving and smiling at him. Without any hesitation, Ferit opened the door and let Seyran inside.

"Seyran?!" Ferit exclaimed, opening the door

Seyran entered the room and hugged Ferit.

Hugging her, he exclaimed "Are you crazy?! How did you come here?!"

"Well, what was I supposed to do?!" she replied, looking at him and smiling "Whose girlfriend am I, anyway?"

"How cold you are!" he exclaimed, caressing her face "Come here."

And then he led her further into the room.

Minutes later they were sitting onto the carpet, in front of the bed, and talking.

"Are you okay?" Seyran asked Ferit

"Well... As good as I can be..." he answered "And you?"

"So am I..." she answered "However good I can be..."

"Why? Why happened?" Ferit asked

Seyran just sighed and answered "Never mind..."

"Seyran?!" he exclaimed "Tell me..."

"My sister..." she finally spoke

"What about your sister?" Ferit asked

"Today my dad took my sister out for a walk..." Seyran started telling

As she was telling, her eyes started to fill with tears. Seeing the tears in his girl's eyes, Ferit wiped them with his hand, exclaiming "Seyran"

"Well?" he then asked

"He took her to Saffet's house and married her there..." Seyran finished telling

"What?!" Ferit exclaimed "What are you saying, Seyran?! What are you saying?!"

Seyran then covered her face with her hands and started crying even more.

"Shhh... Seyran" Ferit said

Then he moved her hands away from her face, cupped her face with his own hands and, caressing it, kissed her forehead, trying to calm her down.

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