𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 , normal is overrated

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"YOU CAN'T JUST PULL a 'fuck it, bye!' and leave like that!" sunoo admonished, the urgency of his words emphasized by the low volume that bordered on a shout.

riki, walking alongside sunoo, let out a nervous laugh. "what else was i supposed to do?!"

sunoo sighed, giving riki a look that said 'seriously?' "anything but that!"

"why not?! i mean, i gave her a flower," riki countered, his tone more reflective than defensive.

sunoo, eyes widening in disbelief, retorted, "because you like her?"

riki, feigning innocence, replied, "who said that i like her?"

jungwon, who had been a silent observer until now, decided to join the conversation. walking in between the two friends, he munched on a delectable chocolate chip cookie that emitted a soft crunch with every bite. engaging in the conversation with a mouthful, he managed to utter, "you did, like, a while ago."

as he chewed, his words emerged somewhat muffled, making it a bit challenging to catch every syllable.

riki's response was a brief silence, his attempt at dodging the admission met with a pointed reminder of his previous disclosure.

"well, what if she doesn't like me?" riki mused, a hint of uncertainty coloring his voice as the trio continued walking through the lively hallway.

"believe me, she does," sunoo reassured him with a confidence that bordered on exasperation.

"and you really want to help me? are you sure you would go as far as to help me?" riki questioned, casting a sidelong glance at sunoo.

sunoo, with a determined nod, asserted, "of course, i've got your back."

jungwon, ever the pragmatist, couldn't resist injecting a dose of skepticism. "what if it doesn't work out?"

"really, jungwon?" sunoo said, his tone laced with mild irritation.

"what?" jungwon shrugged, adopting an air of innocence.

"believe me, it will. i mean, jake and soomin worked out, look!" sunoo stopped their progression, pointing at a picture on the wall as evidence of his matchmaking prowess.

the photograph captured jake and soomin, both adorned in their graduation gowns, their eyes locked in a moment of shared accomplishment and genuine happiness. the sunlight, filtering through the windows, played upon the frame, casting a warm glow on the captured memory. jake's infectious smile radiated pure joy, mirroring the gleam in soomin's eyes as they gazed at each other with a shared sense of triumph. the subtle hues of their graduation robes added a touch of nostalgia to the scene as if the very essence of their success had been crystallized in that fleeting moment.

underneath the picture, a small brass plaque held the inscription: "sim jaeyun & moon soomin — proud members of the 20xx photography club"

riki, still absorbing the scene, couldn't help but be intrigued. "wait — you helped them get together?"

sunoo, sporting a grin that held a hint of mischief, nodded proudly. "guilty as charged. every so often, you need a little nudge in the right direction."

"so, you'll be riki's personal wingman?" jungwon asked with a teasing smile, the prospect of meddling in riki's romantic affairs clearly amusing him.

sunoo, embracing the role with a confident swagger, declared, "hell yeah, i'm the master of love interventions!"

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