"All Our Life's Part 3 ch 25"
At Constantine/Theodore-Genevieve and Elizabeth were in the sunroom when Constantine and Grace Came Into the room."Girls, How are you? Do you need anything "How did the bail hearings good "No bail" I sure of been there" Genevieve it's okay he will pay, Why don't I get us some tea" Constantine went out of the room."How are you both doing "We are okay for now" Good "I need to go see my children "Elizabeth left."Grandmother. Do you have my results yet" Yes "Theodore was in the living room upset when Constantine Came Into the room.''Theodore "You bitch! You fake you're comatose! I thought you would die, but this whole thing was to ruin Jonathan "How do you know" I have it in tape! Did you forget that every room in this house has a listing device? I can't stay married to you anymore, it's over! "You don't mean that" Yes I do! I want a divorce! It's your fault our daughter was raped "I didn't want that" No you're not that cold but it's over! I want you out of my house! Theodore will you tell anyone "No I want him in jail too" See we both get something out of this is out of our daughter's life"
In the sunroom- Genevieve and Grace, we're talking."Yes I have you're pregnant test results you our pregnant "Genevieve close her eyes," You have a lot to deal with this is an important decision "Yes it is, I don't know how to tell my parents "I can help you" Thanks "
Copyright by Skye's the limit