Chapter One

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Melody was expecting her life to be so full of adventure and also wasn't expecting to be married to a singer from a band that she was a huge fan of and she also took his last name as well because she wanted too and also her best friend is also married to another singer but in a completely different band which she is also a huge fan of Black Veil Brides she also happened to be close friends with the guys but right now there had gone on separate tours but would meet up at warped tour that was in a few days time which was super exciting but right now she was the only one awake, deciding that she would make breakfast for the guys but halfway through when she went to the fridge noticed that one of her bras just happened to be in there.

So she decided to get revenge and noticed the air-horn on the top of the counter, so after she grabbed her bra and closed the fridge, she pressed on the button sounding off the horn which causes all the guys to make groan noises but right now Melody didn't care she kept pressing the button until all the guys had come out of their bunks still half asleep Melody holds out her bra and speaks up asking, "Alright who thought it was funny to put one of my bras in the fridge?" At first no one answered but then she threatened to push the button on the foghorn but the person had finally confessed turns out it was Chris her husband who thought it was a funny idea but she couldn't really stay made at him.

So she speaks up saying, "Well alright just don't do it again please seeing as I got you guys anyways breakfast is already so hope you enjoy and in a way makes up for the rude wake up call." Of course each of the guys thanks her and of course the only person that was allowed to give her a kiss was her husband Chris he speaks up saying, "Well just wanna say I'm sorry about the whole putting the bra in the fridge am I forgiven?" Melody acts a little mad but she smiles at him saying, "Yeah of course you are forgiven now go and enjoy your breakfast before it gets cold." They share a sweet kiss and Love yous before he joins the others that was sitting at the table.

Whilst that was going happening it was a different story on the Black Veil Brides bus, though Sarah was making breakfast she had some help from Jinxx who treated Sarah like a baby sister considering she's the youngest and only girl on the bus, even though she's married to Andy he took her under his wing which of course Sarah very much appreciated today's breakfast was pancakes so whilst Sarah was cooking, Jinxx did the dishing up but there was no bra in the fridge but it was the smell of breakfast that got the others up which makes both Sarah and Jinxx laughing considering how messy Andy's hair is but to be honest he was cute when he looked half asleep still.

Once the pancakes had been dished up Sarah let the guys have theirs first of course they each thanked both Sarah and Jinxx which they both appreciated lastly it was Andy who again is still half asleep laughing a little he looks over at her confused in his sleepy voice speaks up asking her, "Babes what's so funny?" Sarah speaks up saying, "Nothing except that your hair is a bit of mess when you wake up but don't worry I think it looks adorable but you can sort that out after you have eaten mister." He smiles wrapping his arms around her waist saying, "Honestly how could I be such a luck guy married to an amazing woman who puts up with me?" 

She smiles wrapping her arms around his neck carefully saying, "I wonder the exact same thing everyday but to be fair we have known each other for all our lives and honestly happy that you finally plucked up the courage to ask me out on a date, honestly never thought you would of to be fair and  I would probably be somewhere else with a different guy but honestly be here is where I want to be right now plus in a few days is warped tour which means that we get to see Melody and Chris who we haven't seen for so long plus maybe Kellin and his band as well now go and eat your breakfast before it either gets cold or eaten by one or all of the other guys." He smiles speaking up saying, "Well I should have asked you sooner but honestly glad I did otherwise I wouldn't be married to this amazing woman who I am now happy to be standing here with and makes the most amazing pancakes ever, thank you and I love you." 

She smiles replies with, "Yeah you probably should and of course I am also happily married to this amazing girl who never makes me not smile and I love you too." They share a sweet kiss before he takes his plate of pancakes joining the others, of course Sarah was looking over thinking how did she get luckily to meet some amazing guys, fall in love and marry even though she's only 18 and Andy's 19 nothing matter also both parents got on really well and supported the marriage, the same can be said for Melody and Chris who had been married for awhile and clearly madly in love both parents very supportive of their decision to marry it's like they was meant to be.

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