Three, Mom!

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( the kardashians )

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( the kardashians )


( Maeby's Confessional Look )

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( Maeby's Confessional Look )


KIM SAT across from Maeby and her mother as the 3 of them shared lunch with the kids running around the house. They had gotten used to production being around. Kim smiled, her children were everything to her and she loved them with all her heart. Maeby...Maeby had been her first baby. She had given Kim her first taste of motherhood and she had loved it ever since. And although she loved all her kids the same, there was nothing like the bond between a mother and her firstborn.

Kim had always felt as though her and Maeby grew up together. She was so young when she had here and throughout all the bad in her life Maeby had kept her grounded.

Even in the events of her divorce.

It wasn't something any of them liked to talk about, and even though she kept a brave face Kim knew that it bothered Maeby deep down inside. Even though they didn't share blood, Kanye was Maeby's father in everything else. He had stepped up and done everything her actual sperm donor didn't, they both meant a lot to one another. Kim still wasn't sure how to approach any topics regarding Kanye with her daughter, but she knew she had to say something.

"So," Kim trailed awkwardly. "Have you talked to dad?"

"No," Maeby replied drily. Rolling her eyes as she spotted a cameraman in the corner zooming in on her reaction.

Kris looked from her daughter to her granddaughter. "Well I think he went about the entire thing wrong. It's harmless fun. You were hanging out with a friend and he acts like you just announced a relationship with the girl!"

Maeby paused. She hadn't had that talk with anyone in her family, not because she thought they would react terribly but just because she didn't know how. She didn't have a handle on her sexuality yet nor a label, she knew she liked what she liked.

KIM CONFESSIONAL: Kanye made it pretty clear to me and everyone online that he wasn't happy with North, especially, posting with Ice Spice and we did have a conversation about it. I still have no idea what his problem was with Maeby hanging out with her, I mean-she's not a baby anymore and is allowed to decide who she wants to spend her time with.

"I don't know, he's been so weird lately." Maeby said, sitting her fork down no longer feeling hungry. "It's like, we've both been avoiding each other because of...well you know what. And the one time he addresses anything about my publicly it's a problem."

MAEBY CONFESSIONAL: Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. And I'm not mad about the divorce, I'm a big girl I can handle it and at the end of the day I want my mom to be happy. I can just...feel is distancing and it sucks, and social media isn't helping at all.

"At the end of the day, I know you to have a good sense of judgement and surround yourself with good friends. I mean, Ophelia and Flora are practically family. I trust you to make your own decisions," Kim assured her daughter. "And I know things haven't been easy for you."

"Mom," Maeby groaned, now completely done with the conversation.

KIM CONFESSIONAL: I feel like eventually me and Maeby will have to sit down and actually talk about everything regarding the divorce. She's all grown up now but I know how I felt when my mom and dad we're going through it and I know it's not helping to keep everything bottled up.

"Seriously, we don't need to have this conversation. I'm fine," Maeby insisted sharply. "This has nothing to do with you and dad."

"Calm down," Kris chided finally speaking up. "Your mother just wants to help."

"I don't need help!" Maeby exclaimed. "It's fine, everything is fine." She got up and left the table, walking up the stairs in a hurry to get away from production.

MAEBY CONFESSIONAL: I'll talk to my dad on my own time without my mom pushing it. I just need space, Jesus Christ. I feel like everyone's blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

"Wonder where she gets the dramatics from," Kris commented, snickering to herself continuing to eat her salad.

Kim gave her a dry look.


NOTE i realized i don't just want this fic to be centered around ice and maeby, the kardashian's have sm drama so why not 🤷🏽‍♀️

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i realized i don't just want this fic to be centered around ice and maeby, the kardashian's have sm drama so why not 🤷🏽‍♀️

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