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Im getting married....

Taehyung's pov:-

Today after the mishaps, jimin came to the college and I was more than happy to see him again but the thing I noticed is he is not taking that much to me like he would do. And the main thing is I'm going to confess my love to him today as I don't want to take it too long. But his behaviour is odd I decided ask him after classes and he is fervently concentrating on each and every session carefully, i think so, he missed so many sessions, so he is listening to everything carefully. Let him, I know he is very studios and sincere person. So I decided to confess my love in the break time.

Time skip to break time

I went to submit one of the assignment in the staff room. After submitting I made my way back to the class and when I came to the classroom it's already break time. I searched for the certain omega but couldn't find. I thought he would have gone to the cafeteria, so without wasting the time I walked off to the cafeteria and as expected I found him sitting in the table where we used to sit always. Suddenly I'm feeling nervous 💗. My heart is thumping against my ribcage.

"Tae you can.. yes you can. Come on" I encouraged myself. By seeing jimin's face I can tell, he is immersed in deep thoughts.

I decided to respect Jimin's every decision but I hope it would be positive. I prayed to God for numerous times. Let's see.... With a sigh I approached jimin.

when I came near him, he doesn't seem to notice my presence.

"Jimin" I called him but no response




I yelled near his ears. He hissed and looked at me while blinking with terrified expression. As soon as he realised it's me, he cleared his throat.

I shook my head with defeated sigh.

"Huh, yes tae. Come sit down" his voice is odd, I sat down in front of him.

"What do you mean by yes tae huh? Do you know for how many times I called you. What were thinking that deeply huh?" I finally asked.

"No, it's just about that upcoming exams" he said looking down and I expected this answer from him. So I thought of saying for what I actually here actually. My heart is really beating so faster. I calmed myself down and said.

"Okay leave that aside I want to tell you something important" I said blushing a little

"Before that, I want to tell you something" he said, so I asked him go ahead.

And that's when my whole world crashed down

"I'm getting married " he said.

End of taehyung 's pov
Third person pov

Suddenly taehyung felt hard to breath, he can't believe what jimin just said. His heart was sliced into million parts.

Taehyung grabbed his chest and panted heavily, Jimin got panicked, he stood up and went towards taehyung.

"Tae,? Tae. What happened?" Jimin asked panicking. Taehyung guestured him to give some water. Jimin immediately poured the water in one of the glass and gave to him.

"Just relax and Breathe slowly" he insisted worriedly. After drinking water taehyung slowly inhaled and exhaled.

"Are feeling okay now?" Jimin asked, taehyung just nodded looking down and jimin went back to his seat. Taehyung's eyes beamed with tears, he bit lips trying hard not to cry. He opened his mouth to speak but his throat got clogged.

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