The Love of an Indian Captive 1758

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Chapter 1: The Indians

"They're a 'comin! Those injuns don't stop for no one!" Uncle Henry yelled across the dinner table, spit flying everywhere.

"Those injuns are far away uncle Henry, they ain't gonna get here in time, were gonna be gone soon, goin to our summer home on the creek." Joey said with kindness in his voice. Joey was the nicest boy I knew and the best brother in the world.

"Those injuns are of sneaky folk! It'd be best to leave now before they come and massacre y'all!" Uncle Henry said.

"Ain't no injuns will be able to get here in time, Henry!" Pa yelled, his voice gruffy and stern.

Everyone got quiet, once pa raised his voice we all knew it'd be best to be quiet and finish our supper. I ate globs of mashed potato and corn pone, once supper was over and it was time to go to bed I was so full I could barely get my night gown on. I layed in my comfy bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking about the Indians, what uncle Henry said and what pa said. What if they do come? What will happen to my family and I? With those thoughts in my head I fell asleep nightmares filling my head.

Next morning ma woke us all up bright and early. We all worked together to get the house chores done, by noon I had finished my share of the chores.

"Sally!" Pa yelled from the barn, at the call of my name I quickly strapped on my boots and ran to the barn.

When I got there pa was kneeling down beside Betsy, th most best horse in the world.

"Betsy here is sick, I don't know if she's gonna make it and we need a horse to take us to the creek tomorra', do you think you can run down to neighbor Fallens and ask em if we can borrow a good healthy horse? Pa asked.

"Oh, can I! I'll be right back pa! Don't you go no where!" I yelled already on my way.

20 minutes later I came riding across the field with neighbor Fallens healthiest horse. I walked him over to the barn were I was expecting to find pa, since pa wasn't there I put the horse in an empty clean stall and have him food and water. I walked out of the barn, the smell of fresh corn pone made me jump with excitement. I was the most happiest girl in the world until suddenly a big red hand was placed upon my mouth. I looked up in horror to find that uncle Henry wasn't fibbin' at all, they were of sneaky folk, the Indians had arrived.

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