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"Lil mama!" Tom screams from the kitchen.

"You're gonna have to bring that lil mama over here because i'm too tired to get up!" I shout back.

We had gotten a new house, the sound echoed, very loudly. "The cribs came in!" He yells, I suddenly got up waddling over. "Did they?!" I squeal.

"No." He shakes his head.

I huff. "But look." He points to the living room, I gasped, seeing it. "For me!?" If I wasn't pregnant with two baby girls I would've began jumping.

It was like a little game night, just for the two of us. He had made dinner, well spaghetti but... it's the thought that counts. "Let's play charades." He pulls me to the couch, I lay back on the couch, spreading my feet out.

"Can we eat first?" I began eyeing all the spaghetti and other snacks he had set out. "Sure." Tom nods, laughing. I placed the bowl on my stomach.

Tom sat down on the opposite end of the couch letting me rest my feet on his lap.

I began to slurp it down, I think we both knew there was gonna be seconds... and thirds, I was really hungry even though I just ate two hours ago.

I have an excuse for it though.

"We need to have a talk." He sighs. "Is this a goodbye meal? Are you leaving me?" I whisper-yell, looking around. "Girl." He side eyed me.

"Girl?! You can't spring that on me, tell me what's going on." I sat up a little more, intrigued. "The mafia is in deep shit." Tom licks his teeth in.

"And...?" I raise my brows, anticipating what he was gonna say next. "Either I go back and lead, or we all quit it." He says, referring to Bill, Georg and Gustav.

"It's a hard choice." I held my bowl, looking down. Was he really planning on leaving? Just less then three months from when I would give birth?

"I don't know what to do it's.. complicated. On one hand, it's what i've been doing my whole adult life. On the other... well, us." He looks at me, with pity.

"Don't let me get in the way of your mafia dreams, not our babies either." I scoff, not looking back at him.

"I'm trying to have a conversation with you, don't shut me out." He taps my legs. "I just don't know what you expect me to do." I shrug, putting the bowl on the table.

"I want to provide, for us... for our family, and I can't do that being just a high school teacher." Tom bites his bottom lip anxiously.

"So you're gonna go back? Lead, all night, while I sit at home and wait for you back? I don't see you during the day at school expect for two periods in a day, i'm always gonna be alone." I felt a tingle in my nose.

I was about to cry, I couldn't help it. Fucking stupid hormones.

"Weekends?" He suggested, pleading at me with his eyes. "What about after I have the babies?" I ask.

"I can have you stay at Bill's house, he'll be here more often." Tom smiles. "Bill may have the same face as you but he isn't you." I sniffle, wiping away some tears.

"He'll take care of you, I promise." He reassures.

"I want the father of my children to take care of me." My whole mood had been brought down. "This was really sweet but, i'm not in the mood anymore." I began to sulk, walking back to our bedroom.

I got back in bed, how could he have wanted to leave? I knew technically we would still be together, I loved him i'd never want to lose Tom.

But... still, he was their dad and I was basically his wife, I'd see him for barely two hours a day. I need more then that. I need him.

"Gigi i'm not trying to hurt you." I heard his voice from the doorway. "So don't." I turn around, facing him.

"Do you know how expensive two babies is? and i'd be putting all the guys financial lives at stake too." He crouches in front of me.

"I'm gonna end up raising them alone." I was scared, I was really wanting Tom present in all this. And if he wasn't, I don't know what i'd do.

"I'm sorry." He moves some hair out my face.

"It's not fair." I sigh, getting back under the covers. Tom goes to the other side of the bed, getting in beside me. I turned around, giving him a hug.

"I need you." I whispered, giving him a kiss. "I know." He kisses back, letting me snuggle into his chest.

He had taught me, taught me how to kill with no remorse. I had learned, and now I couldn't even do any of it anymore. I'm stuck, I loved that I was gonna have kids, but I don't know if I loved being pregnant.

His hands stroked my hair for a couple minutes, just sitting in silence. Occasionally the sound filled by my sniffling, please don't take the offer Tom.

I felt him get up. "Where are you going?" I ask, his hand slipping from my grasp. "A race, i'm sorry." He chewed on his inner cheek.

"So you had decided without me even knowing?"

"I'm sorry Gia." He began to walk into our closet.

And there I was alone, already.

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