The after party part 1

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*While slowly waking up, Jocelyn starts stretching and lets out a yawn*

Jocelyn: Well I guess I will have to start killing time... I could read a bit in the tree and hang out there...

*she gets out of bed before changing into some comfortable clothes. She eats some breakfast and gets on her way to the park*

Jocelyn: Alrighty, I can hang out there for like two to three hours...

*she arrives at the park, immediately walks to the tree and starts to climb. When she's in the tree and sat down, she starts looking around. It's quite busy today, so lots of movement and screaming children. But it's a park after all, so Jocelyn doesn't mind that much*

Jocelyn: Alrighty, now to just sit here and do nothing for a couple of hours...

*Jocelyn takes out a book and starts reading*

-time skip to two hours later-

*Jocelyn looks at her phone for a second to see what time it is. Sitting there for just a little longer, she finally decides to go home. She climbs out of the tree and heads home*

Jocelyn: Okay, so what I am going to do when I get home... Clean up a little, shower, eat dinner, and get dressed. Also in the meantime, clean my necklace and put it on.

*arriving home she starts cleaning immediately so she wouldn't waste time. After cleaning, she takes her necklace and starts polishing it*

Jocelyn: Look at this butterfly wing shine... It's so pretty...

*She puts it down again and makes some dinner. After making and eating dinner, it's finally six at noon. She walks up to the shower*

Jocelyn: Okay so, I am going to shower... Then I put on my dress, do my makeup, and hair...

*Jocelyn takes a shower and cleans her hair extra well with some shampoo and conditioner that smells like roses. When she is done, she gets out of the shower and puts on her beautiful dark blue dress with light blue stripes on the bottom*

Jocelyn: Doesn't that look gorgeous?! Now to do my makeup and hair.

*Jocelyn puts her hair in two space buns and puts some dark blue eye shadow on her eyelids. She finishes her makeup look and grabs her necklace. A clicking noise is made again when the necklace fastens. Talking under her breath, she speaks again*

Jocelyn: It's time... I should head to the party now...

*she grabs her phone and some other stuff like her car keys. On her way there, she nervously sings with the music, getting more nervous every kilometer she's getting closer. Arriving there, she stands in front of the building, hearing the music from outside already*

Jocelyn: Alright, I can do this... Just head inside, straight for a drink and you are ready to go...

*she walks inside seeing a crazy amount of people there. She heads up to the bar and asks for a Bacardi with Coke. Josh is already in the party slightly tipsy but not drunk. He keeps looking at the door and finally, he sees a figure walk in. A gorgeous dark blue dress and a very familiar and pretty necklace. He stays where he is at for a bit longer, just to let her get used to the party*

Jocelyn: Thank you sir, for my drink... Can you open a tab?

*the barman opens a tab for her and goes on with his work. Jocelyn looks around the party not noticing any familiar faces*

Jocelyn: This will be one wild night... I know if I don't recognize anyone, I will not hold back on drinking...

*She finishes her drink and asks for another one*

Jocelyn: Thanks again...

-short time skip-

*Jocelyn chugs her drink again, talking with some random people and is getting quite drunk already*

Sam: Jocelyn do you want another drink? Can I get you one?

*Jocelyn nods and gets another drink from Sam*

The three people Jocelyn is standing with: Chug, chug, chug, chug! Come on you can do it! Chug, chug ,chug!

*Jocelyn chugs her drink again*

Jocelyn: It was really fun meeting y'all, but I have to go to the toilet and search for someone okay?

Diana: You are not drunk enough come on! Let's all chug a drink of our choice, but then in a half liter cup!

*the whole group agrees and Jocelyn has no choice but to accept. They order their drinks and someone starts counting*

?: 3... 2... 1... GO!

*they all start chugging their drinks and Jocelyn surprisingly finishes the fastest*

Jocelyn: Okay that was fun! But I have to go now okay?

*Jocelyn stumbles to the toilet and almost falls once or twice on the way there*

Jocelyn: Okay... God, I am way too drunk... But... I guess it is quite fun here!

*she completely forgot that she was gonna meet Josh there and headed to the crowd again stumbling and laughing. She makes her way to the bar and asks for another drink*

Jocelyn: Thank you sir!

Barman: This one is on the house, pretty!

*the barman winks after he says that and Jocelyn smiles sweetly. She takes a sip and she notices immediately that this is a strong drink*

Jocelyn: Well thank you very much, young man! I really appreciate that!

*She finishes the drink quite quickly and is way too drunk to normally function right now. She walks into the crowd and suddenly someone grabs her by the arm*

Josh: Jocelyn! I am so happy to see you here!

*Jocelyn is too drunk to notice who she is talking to, but she just goes with the conversation*

Jocelyn: Hey yeah, I am so glad to be here!

*she slurs her words and giggles drunkenly, Josh notices this very quickly because he is just a little tipsy*

Josh: I see you are having quite the time here tonight? Can I take you for a shot by chance?

*Jocelyn nods and Josh grabs her by the hand pulling her towards the bar*

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