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Thank you for opening my story!
I hope you enjoy it because this is the first Wattpad story I have ever writtten.

Dahyun - 7:30 pm

Momo and I are coimg home after a long day at work. I sit down my bags and head to the bathroom to wash my hands. Momo sits on the couch and turns on the TV. After I finish washing my hands, I go to the kitchen too look for something to cook. I open the fridge doors and look for something quick and easy but I get tired just looking at all the raw ingredents in our fidge, so I shut the door and go the the living room.

"Jagiya, Would you be happy if we went out for dinner tonight?" I asked Momo. "Oh really? Like a date?" She sat up and looked at me happily. "Yeah and of course it would be on me." I told Momo. "Yes!" Momo then got up and ran to the bedroom so she could get ready for our little Date Night.

I waited for her to get ready first because I didn't want to be in her way. After she was finished I went to get ready myself. I decided to wear the simple black dress that Momo bought me for my birthday and I paired it with the diamond necklace and earrings that she bought me for Christmas. I grabbed my black purse from the closet and put my lip gloss and wallet in it. I also grabbed some tissues just in case. Momo is wearing a black dress with red flowers on it.

"Your dress is pretty Jagiya" I tell her as I admire it more.

"Thank you. Oh you wore the dress and jewelry that I bought you?"

"Yes! does it look ok?"

"Ok? It looks wonderful on you Dubu."

"Thank you. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, but where are we going? Wait don't tell me I want it to be a surprise!"

"Ok then. Let's go."

I take Momos hand and walk to the car. Of course we have a pink Lamborghini! I drive because I want Momo to relax and also... she doesn't have her drivers licence yet. I take Momo to her favorite restaurant and we sit at a table with a sky view. I did that on purpose so we could watch the sunset. I know you can't see it but i'm smirking right now. So we get up there and I can tell Momo is overjoyed. I pull the seat out for her, of course, and we sit and wait for the server to come.

"Oh my gosh Dubu. This is so beautiful. I'm so happy right now, you don't understand! Thank you so so so much for this. I love you."

"Of course my love. I mean we had a long day at work today. I want you to relax and be happy"

The server finally came and we both ordered a glass of sparkling grape juice. Were being alcohol free haha.

Then it was time to order the food. I got a simple spaghetti with meatballs and Momo ordered a pork soup with chinese yams. We would've gotten her favorite, Jokbal, but they didn't serve any here so she got something else she liked.

The server set the bread on the table and went to go place our orders. Momo grabbed some bread and ate it but I had to remind her to slow down because she'd get full fast.

The service was speedy and excellent and I was planning on giving a tip after we were finished eating. When the food was served I prayed a thanks for our food and Momo joined too even though she already had her mouth full forgetting that we have to pray first.

"Amen" I say when i'm done.

"Oh shi-, A-amen" Momo says while swallowing the bread that was now gone.

"Momo did you really eat all the bread?"

"Sorry Dubu, I was really hungry."

"It's ok but now you're probably going to be full."

"Dubu... You know me... I'm gonna eat all of it lol"

"Momo i'm crying. You are something else."

After Momo and I finished our dinner we got dessert because somehow Momo still wasn't full! We got a chocolate cake with strawberries and whipped cream on top because it looked cute. We fed each other and exchanged satisfactory smiles. When we were done I made sure to tip the server good. We had a nice time and we were ready to go to bed!

I helped Momo get into the car and I drove us home. When we arrived we got our pjs on and headed to bed.

"Thank you so much my Dubu for taking me out for dinner and treating me to a wonderful meal." Momo said.

"Your welcome Jagiya. I wanted you to feel happy today because I know you work hard and I'm so proud of you."

Momo gives me a kiss goodnight and turns off the lights. We had another long day tomorrow and we wanted to get some rest.

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