Pilot Part 1

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The girls are in Spencer's barn passing around a bottle of alcohol and giggling, sometimes I wonder if they are lightweights as I walk into the barn realizing I'm not the only one late as Alison isn't here yet.

"Hey guys,"

*SHARP CRACK OF LIGHTING RIPS through their barn*

The girls jumped up frightened as the lights went out and cried out. Spencer lights a candle to see.

"Damnit Red you can't do that when a storm is outside you scared the hell out of us," Hannah said from her spot in the barn.

"Sorry didn't mean to, I wasn't even gonna come because of the storm y'all know I hate driving in storms," I said to them feeling uncomfortable with the storm outside.

*disturbing KNOCK on the wall outside the barn*

The girls and I freeze when Aria breaks the silence

"Something's out there."

"Something or someone? Red come over here" Emily said motioning for me to stand by her.

*The KNOCKING gets louder as it moves closer to the barn door. Then abruptly KNOCKING stops. The handle on the barn door turns

"Guys?" Hannah says

We all follow her gaze to the barn door. It slowly opens but no one is there. We start to huddle together they push me into the middle of them as they're very protective of me. We cautiously walk toward the open doorway. We look outside to see it's black, windy almost eerie looking. Till a figure lunges from the darkness outside we all scream.

"Gotcha" Thank god it was Alison just trying to scare us.

Everyone else sighs in relief as Alison walks into the barn.

"That was so not funny," Spencer tells Alison.

"I thought it was hilarious," Alison says to Spencer as she grabs the glass from Spencer and takes a sip. We all relax and find cozy spots to sit. Alison then passes the glass to Hanna who comments on Alison's iPod.

"Did you download the new Beyonce?"

"Not yet," Alison tells Hannah

"I'm loving her new video," Emily says

"Maybe a little too much, Em?" Alison says, I know that Emily likes girls as I can connect the pieces I glare at Alison when she makes comments like that as Emily isn't out, hell she doesn't even know I know.

Emily throws Alison a hurt look but Alison simply offers her back a seemingly sweet smile. Hanna passes the glass to Aria who takes a really big sip.

"Careful, Aria. Take too much and you'll tell us all of your secrets." Spencer says

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close. Drink up." Alison says to her

We all share a look then Aria takes her friend's lead and enjoys another sip. Then tries to pass the glass to me

"No thanks, I only drink rum," I say not taking the cup


Silence. The storm has passed. I start to wake up to see that everyone else is awake and talking to see where Spencer and Alison are.


It's been one year since Alison disappeared she was presumed dead at this point. I'm sitting in Snooker bar drinking a Coke and rum while staring at Alison's missing flyer when I hear the door open I turn to see who it is. Aria I whisper to myself she doesn't seem to notice me so I stay put looking back at Alison's photo when I start to overhear Aria's conversation.

Little Red//Pretty Little Liars//Book 1Where stories live. Discover now