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Saison Margeurite's POV

I am very happy, because I get to finally be in the Hunger Games! I am jumping around, hugging my best friend Brittnay and being happy.

"Get off of me, Saison!" Brittnay yelled at me. "Your squishing me you fucking bitch!" Brittnay is so nice!

"I am, how do you say, happy?" I said happily. Suddenly, I started spinning around with her in circles. And then, she suddenly got thrown out a window.

"OOOPS!" I said loudly out the window. Brittnay was nowhere in sight. She must have been so happy that she ran off in pure happiness.

"I must prepare!" I said to particularly nobody. I decided to go to that weird place where you learn to battle for the games. A guy was waiting for me there.

"Finally! You made it! Took you like 9 hours!" He said, looking up from his watch.

"I was playing catch the baby with the wall," I answered. He face palmed and groaned.

"Baby Brittnay didn't enjoy it though," I continued. "She was crying so I put her in a box of ice and shut the box."

"You know what?" He said. "YOU shouldn't be a mother at all! That's child abuse right there!" I looked at him, confused.

"What's child abuse?" I asked. That's when he started walking out the door.

"You know what? Go train yourself, you stupid bitch!" He yelled as he left. I shrugged and went and grabbed a arrow. I then put it in a bow and shot it at the target. Except, it hit the wall and flew off of it. Then it went in all kinds of directions.

"FUCKKK!" A girl screamed as she tried running from the arrow. Suddenly, it went through her stomach and hit a wall, stopping it. The girl was lying on the floor, bleeding.

"OOPS!" I said loudly again. This was not going well.

How do you say, Hunger Games?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant