xii. fake moustache

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“So, you like books too?” She smiled, looking at her date who had a shy smile on his face

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“So, you like books too?” She smiled, looking at her date who had a shy smile on his face. They were in her favourite cafe, the one where she often came. Okkotsu-san had a matching shy smile on his face and she had to resist the urge to laugh.

“A lot,” He said, sipping on his coffee, “I think I have been reading ever since I was a kid.”

“That's impressive!” She nodded, drinking her chai. For a second, her thoughts wandered to Gojo-san and she paused, sighing. Stop. He should be the last man on her mind. She was on a date with Okkotsu-san right now!

“Is that ... Is that Gojo sensei there?”

A soft gasp left her mouth as she turned her eyes in the direction he was pointing on and there they were. Gojo san and Shoko. Gojo san had a fake moustache on (??) while Shoko was proudly ruffling her fake beard. She could swear that it were them.

“I would like to think so,” Mayumi whispered, still in a daze as she turned back towards her date, “they're so non-serious.”

Okkotsu Yuta laughed, his eyes twinkling. “That's Gojo sensei for you. He's actually so cool.”

She couldn't help but nod. Gojo san was actually so cool. The coolest, in fact. And a bad actor because she could feel his eyes fleeting towards her every now and then. He was doing a bad job at pretending that he was not Gojo Satoru. She sighed, trying to ignore his glances.

When the stares became a little too much, she excused herself with a faux urgency of using the washroom. It was only when she entered the washroom that she took a few deep breaths. What was Gojo san even doing there? No, the actual question would be why. And the only answer that sprang in her mind didn't make any sense.

Was ... was Gojo san jealous? She wondered. No. That would be so unlike him!

“The fake moustache didn't do its magic, did it?”

Her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw him leaning against the door, a silly grin on his face, the said accessory in his hand. She could feel his ocean blue eyes running over her and she squirmed.

“This is a women's only washroom, Gojo san!”

He made a pouty face and she had to stifle a laugh at how adorable he looked. “I think that's not how you thank your savior, Mayumi chan.”


“Yes, savior," he muttered as he took a few steps towards her, “the red dress looks pretty on you, Mayumi chan.”

Her cheeks threatened to redden and she cleared her throat, looking at him. “Don't try to change the subject, Gojo san! Why are you here?”


A frown curved on her forehead and he grinned. “Call me Satoru, Mayumi chan. I think we're way past the formalities now.”

a/n : TYSM FOR 2K !!?? also, a really short chapter but im back to being free now and will upload more frequently! toru is so silly in this chapter i love him omg

also, im working on a shitty professor satoru x reader bc I JUST NEED AN OLDER FIGURE TO CORRUPT ME pls don't mind me

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