❤️ 17 ❤️

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Third person pov

The days passed in the blink of seconds. As usual jungkook and jimin triggering each other to the core and knowing they are going to get married soon made it even worse. Of course our jungkook is the one who would initiate everything with the silent omega. Taehyung's behaviour totally changed towards jimin and others. He won't talk with jimin if it not necessary but he will talk softly only with him unlike to others.

The graduation ceremony neared them, some are feelings so sad to leave their friends while some are happy.

One fine day
After college
Time:- 7:13
In park mansion

Jimin was in his room studying for his tomorrow's exam, they still have 3 more exams and After their fairwell, they will be graduated according to their final results. Ofcourse not before their holidays.

When he was studying, he remembered something and searched for it in his bag.

Where I kept those notes, it's very important for tomorrow's exam.

He flipped through the pages of several books but didn't get what he searching. He creased his forehead being frustrated and trying to recall where he kept those notes.

How jimin? How can you be this careless. Shit!

Jimin took out his mobile and dialled one of his friend's number as he left out with no choice. After some rings the phone got connected.

"Hello si-yu"

"Huh, yes it's me jimin"

"It's nothing I need that English notes,"

"Yes I lost it somewhere,"

"Huh okay then, I will come and get it"

"Thank you so much dear" jimin disconnected the call and wore his black jacket before heading to downstairs.

Jimin walked straight towards the entrance but stopped abruptly when,

"Wait there, where are you going jimin?"

Jimin turned and saw leora, looking at him with nitted eyebrows.

"To my friend's house Leo, I missed one of the important notes for tomorrow's exam, so going to get it." jimin answered

"For that why are you going, I will tell one of my mae to get it. You go and study" leora said.

"No! Leo, it's very very important notes, so I would be better if I go myself to get it. Don't worry I'll come back as soon as possible. Please" jimin showed his puppy eyes, leora sighed in defeat and nodded with hesitation.

"Okay, you should be in the home in 30mins." Leora said seriously, Jimin quickly nodded and left.

Jimin hopped inside his car in the passenger seat.

"Driver drive to this address" he showed the location to the driver. He nodded and started the engine, while eyeing jimin with the same lustful eyes.

After crossing some streets and taking some turns, the car came to halt in fornt of a small mansion. Jimin got out and closed the door before walking towards the mansion's door. He pressed the calling bell and waited for someone to open the door.

The door opened revealing a women in her early 40s, jimin smilled at her and bowed slightly.

"Ohh jiminie, come inside dear" the lady said smiling and moving aside to leave jimin inside.

"How are you aunty?" He asked politely.

"I'm all fine, by the way you are looking so beautiful" she said squealling. Jimin blushed a little and thanked her.

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