Lost and...

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            Today is my first day in seventh grade. I don’t know what to think of it really. I’m changing neighborhoods and schools so I don’t know anyone. Well, I did talk to the principle, but that was over the phone. I think this will be better for me.

            Don’t get me wrong. I miss my old friends, but they were…not true friends. Not that I need to. I am my own person. I don’t need someone else to survive. Well, I guess I would need my parents for food, shelter, and other things I need.

            I might be the only teenager to say this, but, my parents are pretty cool. They don’t yell at me or worry about the trouble I could get into. Believe me; I had to earn that kind of trust. They do check on my grades and want me home before nine and all that. They just don’t get in my business, so I love them. Most of the time they are on the computer anyways. It gives me more time to explore our neighborhood.

            As my dad pulls into the drop of line for my new school, he gives me his beginning of the year advice.

            “Now, Danny, don’t be scared, alright.” He stops behind three cars in line. “This is a big school so there is a big chance you’ll meet a friend on the first day. But you have to socialize, right?”

            “Yeah, Dad, I got it.” I smiled at him. He nodded and pulled up to let me out. I was about to get out when Dad grabbed my arm.

            “You’ll be fine.” He whispered. I got out and watched him drive off.  I’m on my own now. Not like I need anyone.

            I was given a list of where my locker was and where my classes were. For the first day we would just be staying in our homeroom class the whole day. That’ll give the teacher a chance to get our supplies sorted out. If that teacher gives some random kid my supplies it’ll be war!

             I walk down the hallway full of lockers. I’m looking for G2…G2…G2. Got it! Wait, it’s a bottom locker. I guess history is going to repeat it’s self.

            I bend down and open up my locker. I dig around to get my locker kit my parents got me for the new year. It had a pencil/pen holder, a dry erase board, and a mirror. I take a long look in the mirror.

I’m not what you would call a handsome guy. Not even cute. I’m really chubby. I don’t like it. I wish I could change, but I can’t. I’ve tried really hard once, but after a week I gave up. Nobody really cared about it anyway so I try to look over it. The inside matters more anyway, or at least that’s what Mom says.

I finish putting my locker stuff up, sealing it all with the lock. It’s a blue lock. That’s my favorite color, blue. I’m staling. I don’t want to go to my homeroom class. I’m so scarred everything is going to end up like last year. I force myself onto my feet anyway and head to my class. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

My class is two doors down on the right. On the closed door there were the names of the students. I skimmed the list for my name. It was there. I opened the door and walked inside. There were only about five other kids there. They all stopped to look at me then went back to talking. I looked down at the desks and found that there were assigned seats. My last name is Glides, so my desk was in the third row in the middle.

The other kids kept staring at me like I was some alien. I decided that maybe I should do something besides just sit there. I reached down and unzipped my overloaded backpack.

I pulled out my book. I don’t read much but my Mom insisted that I had one. We both searched for something that I would like on the last day of summer.

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