the fields

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THE BAU ─── saviors(?)
" it's not surprising that some people grow up to become killers. "

"blessed be the daughters of cain, bound to suffering eternal through thesins of their fatherscommitted longbefore their conception

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"blessed be the
daughters of cain,
bound to suffering
eternal through the
sins of their fathers
committed long
before their conception."
ethel cain



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I. In a small farming town that curved along the edge of the Nebraska-Kansas border, while the ewes dropped their spring lambs in the fields, a girl was born on the floor of her grandfather's barn two weeks earlier than she was set to arrive. Pitifully small, the child, wet and trembling, wailed loud enough to fill the space as the house-call doctor wrapped her in a cloth and placed her in the arms of her mother. She'll be sickly and small her whole life, he concluded as her too young, half-conscious mother wiped her papery skin clean, but his prognosis fell on deaf ears; the girl's arrival, though early, had been eagerly awaited. Small and sickly or not, the bawling babe in her arms was already the sole object of her affection, and she knew that there was nothing that could waver a love that every synapse in her body said should be unconditional.

With the father, however, it was a different story.

Mariah, he dubbed her from a distance, and stepped away from his wife when she offered their child for holding.

This—— the rejection of a father who felt nothing but contempt for her—— would set a tone for the rest of her life.

II. Eight years later, he taught her how to take a life.

It was one of those things that got decided on while her mother wasn't around. She, who had subscribed to the kind of 'gentle' parenting that wouldn't let her young daughter do much more than feed the chickens, left early one Saturday morning to get groceries in town and, in her absence, her husband took Mariah out to the very barn that she was born in.

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