Compliance (Male Version)

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'A new day brings a new chance, I hope you're ready to talk.' Your eyes stared into his colourful ones. You were sitting in a chair while he bended over you. Giving you a cocky smile, the one a creepy guy at the bar would give you when he wants to buy you a drink. You knew he was trying to intimidate you, but it wasn't working. Or was it? You quickly shook the thought out of your head. You were innocent, so there was no way to intimidate you. Was it possible to scare one that's innocent into talking? Whatever the answer was, you were about to find out. 'I already told you, I don't know a single thing. I'm not in the possession of the information you want from me.' You stated while looking away, not wanting to look into those eyes. He grabbed your chin and turned your head, forcing you to face him. 'Look at me when you're talking to me', he demanded. A deep sigh left your lips while your eyes stared into his. There you saw it again, that cocky smile. 'Listen little boy, here's how it's going to be. You're going to talk, and you're going to do it fast. If you don't talk,' he scoffs, 'If you don't talk I'll show you the difference between the military and me.' Then he let go of your face. 'So what will it be?'

You kept on staring at him while cussing out Valeria in your head. Your goddamned best friend who always thought she had the best ideas in the universe. If she wouldn't have forced you to go to that damn party in that mansion, you wouldn't be here now. You remember it vividly, the military that came party crashing. You, high on drugs, Valeria almost completely sober. She left you, left you while the soldiers came at both of you as a pack of wild dogs. 'I need to run, you'll be fine mi chico, you don't know a single thing and you're innocent after all. Remember: they can't force out what's never been there.' After that she made a run for it and there you were. Standing with your hands in the air, feeling like you were dancing on the clouds, what a fool you were.
'I already told you, I don't know anything. I don't know who El Sin Nombre is and I don't know anything about missiles, or that Hassan you're talking about. Hell why would I even know. I was dragged to that stupid party by my friend and as you could see I was really fucking high on drugs so no I don't quite remember anything vividly.' You said annoyed. He raised his brows, 'A friend you say, and who is this so called friend of yours?' That question caught you off guard. Never did you expect him to ask that, were you going to sell out Valeria? 'My friend? Her name is Camila. She always had these weird boyfriends, I guess that's the reason why she knew of that illegal place. She told me it would be fun and that I needed to stop worrying about everything.' You lied, not wanting to tell him that your friend Valeria was busy with god knows what kind of illegal things.

'There's something you're not telling me, wha-', his phone rang before he could finish the sentence.
'General what's the matter, I'm in the middle of an interrogation.' He sounded annoyed, annoyed at the fact that he got interrupted while he was so close to seeing through your lies. His face all of a sudden changed, the cocky smile turned into a storm of thunder rushing over his face. 'I understand, I'll be on my way.' Then he turned to you. 'You're in luck, something came up.' Then he turned around, aiming for the door. Before you realized you grabbed his arm, he looked at you in confusion. 'Where are you going? I told you everything I knew. You can let me go now.' You plead, hoping he'd let you go. Instead he smiled. 'Poor boy, you think I wouldn't see through those lies of you? You know more than you want to tell. But you're right, you were really fucking high on drugs', he mimicked you in an insulting way, 'so take some time to think about that night again, then we can talk about it when I get back.' 'Fuck you', you spat out angrily. He just grinned, 'with pleasure', then he left.

10 hours later and you heard footsteps. Did he return? You hoped he did, this room felt kind of lonely. Your eyes were focused on the door, curious to see who would walk through it. A minute later and a familiar face entered the room. His muscular posture, his dark hair and that cocky smile surrounded by a small beard. 'You got a cut on your face', you pointed out awkwardly. Not knowing what to tell him. He shrugged his shoulders, 'part of the job darling'. Then silence fell over the room, a silence so sharp it could cut through flesh and bones. You stood up from the chair, that damned chair. Your legs made their way to him slowly. As soon as they arrived in front of him the movement stopped. You looked up, he was much taller than you. 'Listen I know you don't believe me but I really don't have the information you need.' You said softly, hoping you had a secret charm over you that might win him over. Was that naive to think? You never felt like you had that type of charm, yet right now you felt encouraged to try it out. He smiled, 'that won't work darling'. 'What won't work?' You asked dumbfounded. He just smirked in response, 'you trying to flirt your way out, that's not working on me'. For the second time that day he caught you off guard, you looked down, feeling embarrassed. What were you thinking? 'It's not like you don't have a natural charm, it's just that flirting won't work.' He quickly added, as if he wanted to assure you that you were attractive. 'Well it's not like I was trying that', you answered annoyed. He smiled while driving you into a corner.

Compliance (Male Version)Where stories live. Discover now