9 Chimney

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" I didn't hear a bell" Evan yelled as I got up from my comfy spot on the couch to see what the commotion was.

"It's Chimney" Bobby screamed and that was when all chaos ensued. I sprinted for the fire pole not caring who I ran over in the process something was wrong and we all knew it.

I quickly threw my gear on at lightning speed (probably a new record) no time for that and ran into the back of the truck where Hen was already sitting seeing as it was her best friend who we are trying to get to. Buck closely followed suite jumping in right after me. The bell might have rang at some point during this but we were all to panicked to care.


We pull up at a closed down freeway and I see smoke rising from the accident. Cap is immediately grabbed by the captain of the 122 and motions for us to stay where we are. As I'm standing there I'm getting more and more concerned first one minute goes by then 5. Hen is getting restless I can tell by her pacing.

A couple more seconds go by and Bobby comes back telling us to grab our medical gear " he is alert and talking, doesn't appear to be in any pain" he debriefs us.

"He has a piece of rebar through his skull how the hell is that possible" Evan questions

"Oh it is possible the brain tissue has no nociceptors stupid, it can't feel pain" I retorted.

"Ok smart Alec but what about the rest of his head" he said with a duh tone

"He's probably in shock seeing as he just GOT REBAR THROUGH HIS SKULL" hen said emphasizing the last bit and getting mad and me and Buck for sassing each other

"Guys all he knows is that he is pinned ok so be cool" Bobby said leading us to the car

"Well can he see it" Buck said

"I don't know what he can see" Bobby said as we approached the car

"Air ways sound good" Hen said

"What's your pain chimney" I asked inspecting the entry point and exit point of rebar to determine what might have been hit.

"Not much pain...uhh... I don't think there is any spinal damage I can move my feet just fine but when I try to move my head-"

"Don't" we all said at once

"Stay still" Bobby told him

"What's going on, why won't you cut me out of here already"

"It's complicated, you've been injured chim" Bobby said as calmly as possible

"Well how bad is it"

"It isn't good" Buck said earning a slap across the back of his head from me and a glare from Hen.

"Well I wanna see"

"No you don't"

"Yes I do Bobby show me!" So Bobby pulled his phone out and recorded the damage.

"Holy crap, how come I'm not dead"

"Because you are the unluckiest and luckiest son of a bitch on the face of this earth all at the same time"

"I can't even feel this"

"I know"

"Well can you please get me out of here before I start to feel it"

"Working on it but normally I'd be consulting with my smartest EMT but at the moment he has rebar stuck in his head"

"Then ask Alexandra, she has the most experience with this out of all of us" and everyone pointedly looked at me

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" Buckley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now