𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓰 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹

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----- Y/N's POV

Sleeping in this bed was actually.. pretty comfortable, despite the living situation. Which was what I would've said had I not been woken up via AIR HORN. It does bring back fun memories though, like how one time I got my friend to drive me over to my brother's college campus, and I woke EVERYONE up. He wasn't that far, just a couple hours, so we had to wake up at like 3 am. They never even found out who did it either! Man, pranking people is so fun.

After I got dressed, I drowsily walked to the cafeteria, and sat next to Eva, who was blasting some music in her headphones. If I was someone annoying, I'd tap on her shoulder or something and ask her a bunch of questions, but she terrifies me. Not that I don't think it's hot or anything, I'd let her use me as her weights. 

Chris walks in the door in very short shorts, and a couple of us snicker to ourselves. "Morning, everyone! Hope you all slept well." He said, actually hoping that this challenge makes us beg to whatever's above. Heather looks him up and down. "Wowww... You look so buff in those shorts." She compliments him, which makes a couple others gasp. He flips his hair and blushes a bit. "Oh, I know, right? Alright, I hope you're all ready for this next challenge, cause it'll start in about one minute." 

Owen looks around, anxious. "I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast.." Chris smirks at him. "Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete a 20 kilometer hike around the lake!" Chris announces, doing jazz hands. "..Do you think this is funny? Are you enjoying this?" Eva slammed her fist on the table, startling me. "SHHH. Down girl, down! Control your temper." Courtney tried calming her down like a dog. 

--- Confessionals ---

Courtney: She's prone to anger issues, I can tell. It's been like, what, one night? She's already broken a bathroom lock and a window. She broke the window because she thought we being 'too rowdy' over her headphones, and the lock because apparently it couldn't shut all the way. I have to keep her tame, like a dog. It's my priority as a CIT, of course.

--- End ---

"Hmmm, yeah, a little. If you aren't all out there in thirty seconds, I'm getting Chef to escort you out personally." He threatened, which made us all try to leave the mess hall first. We all start running along the trail, slowly splitting up from our natural speeds. Noah is on my right, and Owen used to be on my left, but he immediately fell behind. "How long do you think it'll be til someone passes out from exhaustion or something?" Noah asked me, starting small talk. I thought about it a little. "Hmm.. Maybe like two hours or so. Give or take. Owen doesn't look too good already, and we just started, so I don't have high hopes for him. Does that sound rude..?" I ask Noah, who starts to loosen up. "To me it doesn't sound THAT rude, just an observation. My guess was gonna be four hours, but I'm not even sure where we would be at that point." He tells me, which makes me smile a bit. "Then let's head on! See where mother nature takes us!" I skip on ahead, but not before hearing Noah give a normal sarcastic remark. 

"Slow down, Mx. wannabe hippie, don't start hugging trees just yet." I can sense the eyeroll, but slow down anyways.


God I can never remember just how hot it can be during summer, especially when the sun is shining right in my eyes. After a while of talking with Noah, I had decided to take a break, and I was gonna catch up with him later. Yeahhh... That took like an hour to get me energized again. Up ahead, I saw Harold, Gwen, Bridgette, Noah, and Owen. There were a couple people behind me, starting to pick up the pace. "Noah!" I wave at him, and he slows down to get to my speed. "You could've just ran up to me, you know." He tells me. "Yeah, but I still got your attention, didn't I?" I ask him, and he blushes a bit. "You know, I always see you reading a lot. I'm surprised you aren't running with book in hand like, right now." I tell him, hopefully thinking it didn't come across as an insult. "I didn't pack enough books with me, so I read them all already." I nod, coming up with an idea. 

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