Criminal Minds: Family Edition

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I sat at the floor, the house quiet after my father's arrest

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I sat at the floor, the house quiet after my father's arrest. A knock on my door startled me. I quickly looked at the door, my heart pounding.

"Marco, you in there?" It was my cousin, Luca.

"Yeah, come in," I called out, trying to steady my breathing.

"Yes, w-what's wrong?" I stuttered while trying to lie about it, putting on a smile. "I just wanted to be alone."

To freak out and overthink every choice I'd ever made.

Luca nodded, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. "I get it. This whole thing with your dad. it's messed up."

"Yeah," I agreed, my mind racing. I needed to find out the truth, both for my father's sake and my own peace of mind. But where to start?

Luca nodded up, not pushing further. "Well, I'm running down to the police station to see what's going on. Want to come with me?" I looked at him. Continuing to sit here in my room wasn't going to get me what I needed to know. And I had to talk to the people to find out what was going on.

"Yeah," I said, standing up. "Let's go."


We were soon inside Police Station, the lights almost blinding me. Jesus Christ, how do people get work done here?

Luca could be seen walking toward the front desk. I sat behind and looked around. Talk to random strangers? No, thanks.

I mean, fine, I was pretty popular in school, but even those people didn't know me. The real me. No one did, to be honest. In high school, I was the guy whom every guy would like to be and every girl would like to be with. I played the part: charming and athletic. But inside, I was hiding my true self. No one ever knew the party animal that heaped admiring glances on him was off on the moors, alone, most nights writing novels. No one knew the pressure of being the heir to a mafia empire.

They saw what I wanted them to see, and I made sure it stayed that way.

"I'm here to see my uncle, Enzo Rossi," said Luca to the officer behind the desk.

The officer looked our way, his face impassive. "And you are?"

"His nephew, Luca Rossi, and this is his son, Marco," Luca replied, pointing at me.

The man nodded and then lifted a phone. He started speaking in low tones. A couple of minutes later, Luca came to me. "I'm going to talk to uncle, try to get him out on bail. Can you talk to James Carter? He's the lead detective in the case. Maybe figure out what he knows?" I nodded and went towards Carter's office.



Ah, there it is. Carter

I opened the door, revealing Carter sitting at the desk, concentrating on some paperwork he was doing. He turned his head up to me, and I swear his eyes pierced through me, taking in and scrutinizing everything.

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