A Momment To Remeber (One Direction Fanfic)

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[Harry's POV]

"Harry?" I hear Louis calling my name in a soothing tone.

"Yes Boo?" I replied sheepishly.

"Why did you do it?" He ask, I saw a hint of concern flash across his face.

"Do what?" I asked curiously. My eyes wandered around the room trying to pretend that I have no clue what he's talking about. But in reality... I now exactly what I've done.

"Don't try to hide it!" "I'll make you admit what you've done.." A small bit of anger framed his normally cheeky face.

He strolled out of the room not even bothering to say another word or try to smile. I was concerned and slightly worried. My hands fell upon a small picture. I traced the edgings of the delicate photo. It was a memory of me and Louis running around on a beach last summer. I smiled faintly and flung my feet off my bed.

Time to get up, I thought to myself. I'm quite happy. Today's Saturday and we have nothing planed! No photo shoots, no concerts... Nothing!

I sigh happily and throw on a checkered long sleeved shirt. It matched nicely with my blue skinny jeans that I had also worn yesterday!

I ruffled my hair and skipped out of my room. My feet started to wobble... Oh no! Not this again! I supported myself by leaning on the white walls. Stumbling over the cracks in the hardwood floor I managed to get to the end of the hall.

I don't feel very good... My stomach is now turning... My face feels flushed and battered! I'm scared now!

"Louis?!" I croak out, my body is getting heavier and my legs start to weaken. Breathing becomes difficult and I try to descend the newly carpeted stairs. Barely even seeing were I'm going, I know I'm arriving at the kitchen. Louis is leaning on the fridge door getting some 2% milk out of the fridge.

He notices me and gives out a strong smile. His face drops and he sees my condition.

"Harry... What's wrong?" He starts to panic! "Harry!" "Answer me!" "Are you ok?" He rushes over to me dropping his bowl of frosted flakes on the table.

I groan and slump next to a wall. My legs giveaway and I fall face first to the ground. Blackness is all I can remember seeing after that...

Harry Styles is anorexic!

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