💥🍂. CH3 Hatesick .🍂💥

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8:29 PM
November 8th, 20XX
Toby's apartment

While the end of his shift was a relief, it was also a scary amount of time to himself. Toby was left with only his thoughts, which were usually composed solely of his nemesis. Staring out of the window in his apartment, the moon was already easily visible, he wondered if Rebound was like him. A normal guy, who did normal everyday things when they weren't trying to kill each other. He'd never admit it, but he had held back more than once, and almost wanted him to crash through his roof during the quiet empty times he was alone. Maybe it was to punch the stupid grin off his face and laugh, but it felt more complicated than boredom for sure.

Oftentimes they got quite close while fighting, and it made Toby turn red with... embarrassment? He wasn't too sure what it was anymore, but he wouldn't be caught dead like that with anyone else. Fighting each other didn't feel all that necessary anymore most of the time, the public however, loved it. Toby found himself of all people longing to spar Rebound, needed or not. The deeper he thought about, the more he came to the conclusion that it wasn't battling in general, but instead specifically fighting his nemesis. Maybe his face really was that punchable.

Though, he dare not dwell on endless thoughts too long, he had work tomorrow again. At the very least it was Friday. He pulled the covers over himself and turned away from the door, yet the more he tried to ignore his mind, the louder it became. At last he fell asleep, his last thought of the day being not of victory, but of a tie.

7:12 AM

November 9th, 20XX

Toby's eyes stirred open and he wrestled his covers away. Checking the clock on his wall, he saw that he had a couple hours before work at eleven. No one would notice if he was gone for a bit...

He quickly grabbed his suit from under his bed and shoved it in his bag, sprinting out the door and through the apartment's halls. He could only hope he'd have plans to foil today, and not just anyone's, Rebound's.

Dashing on the sidewalk, weaving through his fellow pedestrians, he could only hope he was doing the right thing. Was it selfish to run off chasing a fight? Was it selfish to fight his nemises for a rush of adrenaline? He was evil, there was a reason to fight, but was that reason enough? He had adoring fans who loved him for saving their lives, and they loved watching Rebound lose time after time. He could only hope he could give them what they wanted. Yet, their desires may never match his own. They didn't know who he was. They never would.

Sifting through his satchel, he looked for his plans; neatly folded into a triangle, not a square. That's how he folded everything. The strange part however, was that he found a small square paper folded in his bag. The edges were still crisp, so it was new, but he hadn't ever remembered putting it in there. Pulling it out, he turn it over in his fingers, examining it. Toby unfolded the paper, and on it was a phone number. Below it? A message that read 'New work number, find employees?'

Toby stood at a stand still, in the middle of the sidewalk, processing. Where could this have come from? Had he written it and forgotten? No, it wasn't his handwriting. Then who's was it, if not his? Who could have possibly slipped him a piece of paper without him knowing? Who could've got that close? And then it clicked, this could only be the devious work of his nemises! Of course! But that arose the question, why? Why would he be given such a cryptic note? Was it perhaps, a riddle? Or was it a trap... No... it was a riddle... He was definitely over thinking it. It was surely much simpler. Rebound had made a... work number? Did he have a normal job or was this his job? Robbery and ransom was certainly no steady pay, but it was a pay nonetheless. The employees must refer to henchmen of a sort, naturally. But there was only one true way to know; call him!

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