🌶️🌶️ SIX 🌶️🌶️

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I come to senses and pain spreads through my whole body

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I come to senses and pain spreads through my whole body. It feels like my muscles are on fire and I'm burning alive. I moan out in pain and something warm touches my cheek.

"Don't move, baby. I'm sorry"

Why is he sorry? Yesterday was one of the best experiences of my entire life. Life before him was surviving, boring and I hated it but he changed everything. I know my ex is gone. I just don't remember it that much. I've probably passed out.

With heavy lids I open my eyes and thank god the room is dark. "Here take this pain killer and water. You need to drink much"

He puts the pill into my mouth and I drink some water. I sit up and rub the sleep off my face.

"How are you, darling? You must be in pain"

"I am", I rasp. Fuck, even my throat hurts.

"I'm sorry", he whispers, kissing my cheeks

I want to ask why but I'm so fucking tired and my body is exhausted. Everything hurts and seconds later I doze off again. But the entire time I feel him caressing my body. He's warm and soft. He feels good and comfortable. I wonder if it's true what he said. . .

I hope it is because fuck, I'm physically and mentally attached to him. Maybe even obsessed. I need him. Body and soul.

Warmth surrounds me again and rough fingers are brushing over my face. "Baby"

"Hm?", I groan. I'm still tired.

"You need to wake up. Need to eat"

"I want to sleep!"

"I know you're tired, baby but you need to eat something. Come on, I'll carry you"

"Okay", I mumble and open my eyes. Everything still hurts. Exhausted I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me downstairs.

"My ass hurts", I complain

"I know, my boy"

He carefully puts me down on his lap and a meal is already prepared. A pain killer and water. I'm glad we're alone because right now I just need him. I want him to take care of me. To worry about me.

I reach forward to grab the water but sudden pain spreads through my ass. "Ouch"

"Wait", he pleads and gives me the water, "Let me handle anything. Feed you"

Bitting down my tongue, I try not to smile. He feeds me and I eat even if I'm not that hungry. He forces me to drink a whole bottle of water and while sitting here I wonder where everyone is. I didn't heard a sound.


"Yes, Darling?" My face heats up.

"Where's everyone?"

"Told them to fuck off. You need rest and I want to take care of you"

Shyly I look up to him. "That wasn't necessary"

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