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Freen was out of danger now but her condition will be monitored every few hours. Becky waited outside of the room. while the others went inside. Richie waited outside as Alan was escorted to the hotel a few hours ago. "Worried?" Richie sat down on the waiting couch next to his sister as she shook her head no. "Not worried. If she dies, who would take care of me? I'd become a widow and We won't be able to sign our divorce papers." Becky Mumbled lowering her head, Richie chuckled and shook his head wrapping his arm around his sister's shoulder. "She's okay." Heidi rushed to the room and looked over at Richie. "She's in here?" Richie nodded as she burst into the room shutting the door behind her. Becky looked at the woman and looked at her brother questioning him.

"Who was that?" Becky questioned; raising her eyebrow. "Freen's close friend." Irin answered the woman before she came to sit next to Becky hugging her friend. Becky returned the hug and smile, Irin was one of Becky's childhood best friends. She was glad to see the woman here as well. "Tell me what happened out there, Irin." Becky ordered the woman she wanted to know the full story and why was Freen this injured. "Okay so. Your brother Alan was going to get shot at the beach. And we came before they could do anything. We escorted Alan out of the beach and Freen went after the culprit; she got shot and the jet ski got shot down too." Irin told the full story to Becky since she didn't want her to worry much about what was going on. Even though Becky always says that she's not worried or she doesn't care, demanding to know the whole story means that she truly cares about Freen.

Heidi sat by her fiancé holding her hand sobbing while Freen's parents were by her side crying as well, it was good that Freen wasn't that injured except for the gun wound. After a few hours Heidi excused herself just as for Freen's parents to go back home and get some rest after they left Becky went into the room since both her brother and friend were asleep. She sat on the chair next to Freen's bed taking a hold of the woman's hand on her own. "You dumb captain. Why did you have to go catch them by yourself with no protection at all? Do you really wanna escape me that bad? I won't let you. Stubborn. Stubborn stubborn stubborn." She hits Freen softly a few times on her hand as a few drops of tears slide down her cheek.

Becky wasn't sure what this new found feeling was, but it doesn't feel good. knowing that Freen will just always be her bodyguard and nothing else despite the fact they kissed, hugged, cuddles. It means nothing, right? Freen was a commoner as she thought. There's no them in the future when it's safe to go back to Switzerland and renounce her as the new Queen. It hurts to even think about it. The best she could do is ignore whatever she's feeling knowing they will never be possible no matter what. Becky slept by Freen's side all day since she didn't get any sleep at all when Freen was in the emergency room until she came back to the normal patient's room.

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