family secret🤫

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After school ella walked home and said "stupid crush stuff!" She opened the door to her house and Ella's mom came to greet her but then said "sit on the couch right now!" Scared ella sat down. "Sweetie this may be hard to take in but your family made a famous ketchup but it is a family secret so shh". Her mom  said shh-ing her.  "okay but what is the big deal?" "Well it some one finds out you get a horrible punishment and we have to move!" "WHAT PUNISHMENT!" Ella's mom stayed quiet for 2 mins and then her mom replied "that is for you to find out". She said walking towards her bedroom. " MOM BUT WAIT I HAVE MORE QUESTO-"."answer them on your own time"."wait have you gotten the punishment?"."no I didn't and I don't want you to get a punishment"! "O-o-h ok-k-kay m-m-mom".

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