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I honestly don't know how to write our story, since our love story isn't the usual story where it is filled with butterflies and rainbows. It was more about patience and believing that love is real and pure in its true form.

But wait, before we begin with this story, I am going to write it in Tag-lish (Tagalog and English). I believe in telling stories in the most authentic way possible and it is how I really do tell this story of ours. It's one heck of a roller coaster ride but yes, it's our story.

I am Ays, and she is Gladz. We have 20 years age gap. Started as student-admin friendship turned to something more. This story is 10 years in the making and I want to make this for us to have something to remember by in the years to come.

For my Baba,

I will love you until my last breath. It was you. And always been you. For infinity and beyond.

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