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The stars actually grant wishes.. and curses..

Magnifico would soon learn this. This very night, he hears her. And in the daylight, her presence disturbs him. He's not mad is he? Rosas couldn't have a mad king now could they?

"Ah! AHH! Your majesty please!"

He tried to sleep. He tries his hardest to try and close his eyes and allow himself a great slumber so he could be up and ready the next day. But her cries kept him from doing so.


She was banging on the door, and a feeling of consciences made him flinch. He couldn't leave her there. But at the same time, he was married. He wore a wedding band on his finger proudly and happily.


Fine! He got out of bed and then quickly went to the room where she had stayed. Where he wanted her to be put until there was a way-


Dear stars, that scream sounds like it could hurt even the hunters of the castle. And they were ruthless men.

He should have had a doctor in there. He should have done more to make sure she was comforted. To make sure it didn't turn out like...

"Baby," She sobbed.

"Please live."

The stars do things not even Magnifico can explain. They cast spells and they curse and bless. This was a foreign feeling. A foreign night.

He was married. Did you remember? He wears a wedding band proudly on his finger. He hears her quiet down for a second. She attempt to calm herself down. He had heard stories that Childbirth is a horrible pain to endure.

It can kill a woman.

The stars, you see, cursed Avadoravenua. She was a witch but at the same time she was a goddess. Whether one title outweighs the over is up to one. And one can't help but admire her, yet at the same the stars can slander her.

To sleep with a married man? Witch!

To sacrifice herself for the good of many others? Goddess

He leaves it up to anyone.


She vomited to the floor, the sounds of her bleeding as she cried. He recalls how the bed was covered in piss and blood. They were greeted with the placenta when they came inside the room.

This would be many of sleepless nights. He wants to see his daughter.

Indeed, Mona is a hairless little thing who wears tiny hats and sleeps in the best bed. Magnifico held her up in his arms.

Wishes are good food. They're a luxury for the mind and stomach. His eyes glow green for a moment as he remembers what Asha wanted. Amaya had yelled at him for the little crush that she had inherited. But it was soon broken when he took her.

It was honorable of her. And for a moment he won't eat the wishes. 

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