Chapter 45

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Several hours later, the sun was setting behind the western trees, as Malcolm and I sauntered up to that evening's event, a bonfire, ringed with picnic tables and random groups of lycanthropes holding drinks and chatting. Speakers set up by the stage blasted a mix of classic rock and twenty-year-old pop. Smoke hazed the air, stinging my eyes, and I couldn't remember feeling happier.

Malcolm's fingers entwined with mine, our linked hands swaying as we walked.

"Y'know, we could-"

"No." I smiled, shaking my head.

"You didn't hear what I was about to suggest."

"Let me guess: We could go back to the inn and continue where we left off?"

He sent me an arch glance, " As a matter of fact, no."


Looking forward with a saucy grin, he said, "I was going to suggest we try something new."

"Ooh - like what? As I recall, we tried a lot."

"Sophie, I've had years to fantasize about you and me - believe me when I say that this afternoon barely scratched the surface of the things I want to do with you."

"Mmm," I met his gaze, "tempting. Unfortunately, we're going to have to save that idea for later."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Will just saw us - we can't ghost now." Gesturing across the clearing, I pointed out the distant figure coming our way.

"The hell we can't-"

"Malcolm," I turned to him, leaning up on tiptoe to whisper, "Let's compromise; we make the rounds, mingle, rub some elbows..."

"And?" He asked, breath warm on my skin.

Winding my arms around his neck, I savored his fiery stare, "And then I take you back to our room and show you things you never imagined I'd be into."

I kissed the tip of his nose, laughing at his bemused expression.

"So, I take it this is what you were up to while I was working this afternoon?" Will's voice came from behind me.

I turned and froze.

Malcolm spoke for both of us, "What the hell happened?"

Will glowered, his face the one clean spot on his entire body, "I got tasked with supervising the 'Ice Plunge', then spent three hours getting splashed with freezing, muddy water, and I haven't had a chance to clean up since."

"Oh my god-"

"That's why you are going to be driving me back to the inn, because I am not getting this shit all over my car." Sighing, he added, "Also, because I plan on getting incredibly drunk."

"I mean, I do owe you-"

"Oh no, this is not me cashing in that favor - I'm saving that for later - this one's gonna be out of the goodness of your heart."

Malcolm's eyes narrowed, "Fine. But, if you vomit in my truck, you're cleaning it up."

"Deal, Sucker!" Will laughed, heading for the beverage tent. "By the way," he turned, addressing me, "Congrats on finally doing the deed! I've been rooting for you two!"

I felt my blush all the way down to my toes. Malcolm chuckled, "Thanks, Will."

"So," he cleared his throat, "still want to mingle?"

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