Chapter I: A Normal Christmas

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Jenny and Lenny, two identical twins had hosted a christmas party and invited everybody. They dressed up as
elves because they felt like it. Saturday, December 25th, all of their friends had arrived.

They had welcomed and greeted everybody in.

Marco, the seemingly cool guy said " we doin gifts or no??"

"We'll do gifts at 9." Jenny responded.

Everyone was having a good time and it was finally time to open gifts, untill the lights went out.

Lucy, the girl who was scared of everything, screamed "OMG ARE YOU ALL ALIVE???"

Christian, the guy who is always sarcastic said,
"yeah were totally dead.'

There was a ring of chairs, and tons of crosses. Emily, the spoiled rich gurl stood up and died (L)

The lights had went out once again.
Her body wasn't there, but everyonr could tell someone was possessed.
They were kinda glad she was dead tho.


  I love cliffhangers

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