Chapter 1: Our world

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Men have been extinct for centuries. They've killed themselves off in the fight for power. The world is better off without their greed, control, and selfishness. Their world consisted of being in power, once it was slowly being taken out of reach, they became dark. Women have been enslaved to them sadly when men were alive. They cooked for them, took anger and abuse from them, and were always looked down upon by men when they took charge of their household. Women cleaned, solved their mens' problems, gave up their life to have children and take care of them while their men went out to parties. Women were denied the right to office, they were looked down upon like maids.. Like scum. Men treated women as if they were to be under their control, not to leave their side until they die.

They thought women were weak, and of only serving the strong. Men downright mistreated women and their intelligence. And that got the best of them, as they all became extinct in the War of Power. The war in which their human natures fought to become the King of the entire world.
Since the war ended and the world bursted in flames, women from all over the world formed our country called Feminia on the islands of the Carribean where they formed a Womenocracy. They built walls around the Carribean islands in which no one was to leave. Schools were formed to teach us the history with men alive in order for us to despise and hate men. Our pledge (or chant if I must say) on Feminia is "in a world of men, there is destruction. In a world of women there is peace. Men are the scum of this earth, we must be better, we must be stronger forever on Feminia." I for one am loyal to this.
"ELYSE!" Shouted my biology teacher. "Ms. Pert" I smirked, "how may I help you!" She drives me crazy, I strongly dislike Ms. Pert but I cannot say I hate her. She stared at me with a smirk on her face as well, and said "hmm, for your disrespect and daydreaming in this classroom, I would like you to say the motto". Ha she wants me to say the Feminia motto. She thinks it's a punishment because she doesn't agree with the Womanocracy but she forgets everyone in Feminia does agree. She might get in trouble with the Womenocracy if the class tells anyone but ofcourse we want a good grade.

"Men are scum, we wipe them clean off this earth forever and always"I recited slowly and innocently.

Ms. Pert smiled evilly and then began talking about meaningless biology. She told me to turn to page 183 in the textbook. Ofcourse me, she hates me for daydreaming all the time in her class. Though I did what I was told. "Elyse, will you read this passage to identify what must be done each year, for our women population to increase?" Ms. Pert said.
I smiled strainingly, "Ofcourse Ms. Pert, it would be my pleasure".
I start reading every word as clear as a dot. "Every year, 14 women hunters of age 16 to 17 must step out of the walls of Feminia into the wilderness."I stare at the book in horror, as everyone turned to look at me to continue.

"Sorry--I- just, stepping out of Feminia is forbidden" I stuttered. My classmate Mia turned to me and whispered in the silence of stares, "Don't act like we don't know that, just continue". I nodded and gulped. "Each of those 14 girls must hunt for food to last the year in Feminia" I gulped then continued "they must note any unusual occurrences on the outside to the Womenocracy and---------" I stopped and stared in disbelief. "AND WHAT!?" The class yelled at me. "And, we must kill any men that may still be alive from the extinction even though they're extremely rare to find". Everyone in my class laughed, but something didn't feel right inside of me in order to laugh.

I continued, "There is a special ingredient in which is needed to be brought back for our women scientists to finish the pregnancy fluid that would last centuries which is running out." I wondered what that ingredient is and what the heck the pregnancy fluid is. "This ingredient is strictly a secret and only known by the current woman hunters. The woman scientists have made this fluid in their lab in Feminia for centuries. And this fluid is to be given to girls at age 19 in order for our women population to increase"! I stopped right there, I simply couldn't go on. I thought our population reproduced through the creation of babies in the lab. Anyways Ms. Pert looked at me approvingly and thought I looked a little ill so she made Mia read. Mia started where I left off and began in her soothing voice as she flipped to the page in the textbook. "In the lab of Feminia, the fluid is made to make only baby girls, no boys whatso-" BEEP! The bell rang and I was finally dismissed. I ran out the classroom door before everyone left and slammed it behind me. I ran and ran and ran through the glass windowed hallways and the galaxy tiled floors with my book bag heavily pulling me toward the ground.

This information I was just told was hurting my brain. I forgot what the ceremonies every year were for in Feminia's main square. No wonder 16 and 17 year olds only attended without their mothers. Then I wondered why do they hold these ceremonies if there were already 14 woman hunters ? And why only 14? I slowly began to shake and I held myself from the thought that came to my mind. I said to myself that cannot be true. Ofcourse the other girls must be feeling just like me with this new information. Then I bursted out of the blue automatic doors of my school and slowed down as I neared the news board in Feminia where one paper was evident. It read

"ATTENTION 16 AND 17 YEAR OLDS OF FEMINIA, next week new women hunters will be chosen for the hunting spree at the ceremony. Only 14 will be chosen. ALL WOMEN 16 and 17 must come to the ceremony or the WORST WILL COME: BE WARNED."

Girls behind me were snickering excitedly on about the paper on the news board.

I stared in shock and just ran home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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