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I was bored, and thirsty. Bored and thirsty.

I sit up, my sliding feet inside my bunny slippers. Starting to walk to the kitchen, it felt so... quiet.

I open the cabinet, my bump hitting the drawer as I tried to get on my tippy toes for the cup. I couldn't reach high enough, it was making me mad.

Usually Tom gets these for me, but... you know.

I jump up a little, accidentally knocking it over. I shriek at the sound, as some glass falls to the floor. I lean back on the island behind me, hissing in pain.

It had cut my ankle, only problem. I can't see my ankle.

"Fuck." I whine, sitting on the stool. I take my slippers off, to prevent getting any blood on them. I tilt my ankle slightly, biting my lip, wincing.

I look down, seeing the cut. It was deep, really deep. I was almost positive it needed stitches.

I limp off the chair, going to my phone. I pick it up calling an uber to the ER. I didn't need his help, and I didn't want it. I needed to get used to it.


"How did you get this?" The intern looks up at me, as she cleans it out with a cotton swab.

"I was trying to get a cup from the top cabinet." I explained. "Do you live alone?" She asks, curiously. Don't know why it was any of her business, but...

"I live with my fiancé, he was just at... work." I nod slowly. "Oh well, being so far along you should probably discuss when it's okay to be alone and when it's not." She smiles, getting some lidocaine.

I clench my fists. "We're doing our best." I say, passive aggressively. "I called your emergency contact by the way, seems you don't have a ride, thought i'd save you the trip." She mentions, my eyes widen.

"You did what-?! Are you okay?!" I heard his voice shout, cutting me off. I lean back in the bed, closing my eyes shut. "I'm fine." I responded, not looking at him.

I suddenly felt a sting of pain on my ankle. "Sorry it's best when you're not expecting it." I saw her pull the needle out, she must've been numbing it.

"I'll go get the suturing kit, i'll be back." The intern gets up, Tom sits by my legs. Attempting to hold my hand, I lift my hand, placing it in my lap instead.

"Why didn't you call me? I would've been there and drove you here." Tom looks at me, worriedly.

"I guess I have to get used to doing everything on my own now. So, I don't need your help. I can do it myself, and i'll do it all by myself." I scrunch my nose up.

"Did you have fun at your race? Did you win ?" I add on. "Yeah, of course." He scratches the back of his head. "Was there someone's pregnant wife there too?"

"Why would there be a pregnant lady at a race?" He laughs a little. "Not what I meant." I sniffle, shaking my head, I throw my head back. Preventing any tears from streaming down my face.

"I can't be there to hold your hand all the time, you're an adult." He said, I put my head back down. Licking my lips in. "An adult who's carrying two babies, your babies." I scoff, feeling a tear drip down my face.

"I can't be at home all the time, maybe if you'd just go to sleep you wouldn't even notice I was gone!" He raises his voice a little, before looking around. Noticing where we were, which had been the ER.

"I haven't slept alone in six years." I wipe my eye quickly, before another tear could fall.

"When you were gone I didn't sleep, I don't know how to sleep alone. I can't sleep without you, and you're not getting that. I need you." My voice cracks, going soft.

"I'm not gonna apologize for any of my actions." Tom twiddles with his thumbs. "I hope the couch feels comfortable." I pull the pillow out from behind me, throwing it at him.


"Where the fuck are you going Gia?!" Tom shouts, I continued packing things in my suitcase.

"I'm gonna go stay at my sisters." I wipe my nose, throwing in some shorts. "No the fuck you're not!" He dumps my stuff out of the suitcase.

"I haven't seen her in a while, and you're not gonna be here anymore. If you want you can visit, but i'm not living alone. I can't." I snatch the suitcase back.

"It's only for a couple hours at night, that's it!" He yells. "When are you planning to sleep?! You're gonna be coming home in the morning! Do you plan to sleep during the afternoons? The only time we have together!" I scream in his face.

"Then i'll quit teaching." He sits on the bed, trying to compromise. "Like hell you are!" I slapped him harshly across the face, that's when I took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I put my hands behind my neck, apologizing.

"You're pregnant, you're not leaving. End of story, I take care of you. Not your sister." Tom holds his face, with one hand. As his index finger of his other hand digs into his chest.

"I need someone to take care of me, I can't do this alone. I would've gave up on them if I knew I was doing it alone." I cover my face, beginning to sob.

"It's the only way." I heard him say. "No it's not, and you know it's not. You're being selfish." I push the suitcase off the bed, getting under the covers.

I suddenly felt something being tossed at me.

I lift my head up from underneath the blanket, seeing him throw stacks of cash on me. "Have you made this much from teaching Gia?" He continues to get more out, from his waistband, his pockets.

"In the past year, how much does that compare to this?" He tilted his head, he was starting to bet on the races. Wasn't he, and it was an unhealthy amount.

What if he had lost?

"You can have it, all of it!" I began throwing the wads of cash at him. "I don't get it, what are you not understanding? I do everything for you Gia!"

I stand up on the bed. "What are you not getting?!" I push Tom back. "I'm pregnant you imbecile!" I slap him again, but that time I had meant it,

"Stop fucking slapping me!" He yells, slapping me back. I cusp my face, he'd never done that before.

"I hate you so much." I cried, shaking my head.

I felt my cheek going hot, the stinging pain lingering as he looked at me. Just staring. "I thought you loved me too much to hurt me, what happened to that?" I tilt my head at him, my chest heaving up and down.

He didn't respond.

"I've never hated you more, ever." I shake my head again, getting off the bed carefully. "I don't even want you on the couch, go back out. To Bill's, a girls, I don't care, just get out." I point to the door.

"Gia i'm-" Tom tries to hold my face, I push him away. My hand stays on his chest, as I looked up at him, in disbelief. "Just get out." I walk away, going back to bed.

"I'm sorry mama." He sniffled, before closing the bedroom door.

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